O heart, a companion on the journey of good fortune is enough for you, Ghazal 269 by Hafez

O heart, a companion on the journey of good fortune is enough for you, Ghazal 269 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 24, 2024

O heart, a companion on the journey of good fortune is enough for you, Ghazal 269 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

دلا، رَفیقِ سفر بختِ نیکخواهت بس

نسیمِ روضهٔ شیراز، پیکِ راهت بس


دگر ز منزلِ جانان سفر مَکُن درویش

که سِیرِ معنوی و کُنجِ خانقاهت بس


وگر کمین بِگُشایَد غمی ز گوشهٔ دل

حریمِ درگهِ پیرِ مغان، پناهت بس


به صَدرِ مَصْطَبه بنشین و ساغرِ مِی‌ نوش

که این قَدَر ز جهان، کسبِ مال و جاهَت بس


زیادتی مَطَلَب، کار بر خود آسان کن

صُراحیِ مِیِ لعل و بُتی چو ماهَت بس


فلک به مَردمِ نادان دهد زِمامِ مراد

تو اهل فضلی و دانش، همین گناهت بس


هوایِ مسکن مألوف و عهدِ یارِ قدیم

ز رهروانِ سفرکرده، عذرخواهت بس


به مِنَّتِ دگران خو مَکُن که در دو جهان

رضایِ ایزد و اِنعامِ پادشاهت بس


به هیچ وِردِ دگر نیست حاجت ای حافظ

دعایِ نیمْ شب و درسِ صبحگاهت بس



English Translation:

O heart, a companion on the journey of good fortune is enough for you,
The breeze of the Shiraz rose garden, a messenger on your path is enough.

Wander no more from your beloved's abode, O dervish,
For the spiritual journey and the corner of your monastery are enough.

And if a sorrow should lurk in a corner of your heart,
The sanctuary of the old man of the Magi is your refuge.

Sit at the head of the bench and drink from the wine cup,
For this much from the world, the acquisition of wealth and prestige is enough.

Do not seek more, make your task easy,
A flask of ruby wine and a beauty like the moon is enough.

The heavens give the reins of desire to foolish people,
You are a man of knowledge and wisdom, this is enough of a sin for you.

The longing for a familiar dwelling and the promise of an old friend,
An apology to the travelers who have left is enough.

Do not become accustomed to the favors of others, for in both worlds
God's pleasure and the king's bounty are enough.

There is no need for any other incantation, O Hafez,
Your midnight prayer and morning lesson are enough.

@hamed Sept. 24, 2024, 6:11 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez expresses contentment with his simple life and his deep connection to the divine. He uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his philosophical reflections and spiritual yearnings.

@hamed Sept. 24, 2024, 6:11 p.m.

Key Themes:

Contentment and simplicity: The poet expresses satisfaction with his simple life and rejects worldly desires.
Spiritual journey: The poet uses imagery of the journey, the rose garden, and the monastery to symbolize the spiritual journey and the search for meaning.
The transience of life: The poet reflects on the impermanence of worldly pleasures and the eternal nature of the soul.

@hamed Sept. 24, 2024, 6:12 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

رَفیق: Companion
روضه: Garden
درویش: Dervish (a Sufi mystic)
مغان: Magi (wise men, often associated with spiritual knowledge)
صُراحی: Flask

@hamed Sept. 24, 2024, 6:12 p.m.

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.