O laughing beauty, who enhanced your ruby lips? Ghazal 62 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 47 0

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This ghazal by Saadi reflects on the beauty, allure, and fleeting nature of the beloved, combined with a sense of resignation and acceptance of life's changes. Through metaphors of ripened fruit, torn veils, and flowing rivers, Saadi captures the inevitability of transformation and the passage of time. The poem juxtaposes the cherished and the lost, the celebrated and the abandoned, while advising the poet (and reader) to seek new horizons rather than dwell on what has already been claimed or consumed. It portrays the tension between longing and letting go with Saadi's signature grace and wisdom.

English Translation for Ghazal


O laughing beauty, who enhanced your ruby lips?
O garden of elegance, who picked you among all?

No better prey has been hunted in a lifetime,
No sweeter melon has ever been cut.

O Khidr, I won’t bless you for the Water of Life,
Do you know the toil Alexander endured for it?

Is it someone’s blood you’ve spilled, or red wine,
Or black mulberries staining your garment’s line?

You mingle with all, yet escape from me alone;
It’s not your fault but the misfortune I’ve known.

It’s best the wall falls at once entirely,
So none may claim they haven’t seen this garden clearly.

The ripened fruit doesn’t linger long on its bough,
For all know how sweet and ripe it is now.

Even the rose wouldn’t open its mouth last week,
But today the morning breeze has torn its veil, unique.

In the Tigris, where ducks dared not venture before,
Ships now sail freely since the Tatars cut the shore.

Gone are the days when they’d open sweet sherbets for you;
This worn vessel suffices, though strangers drank it too.

Saadi, seek new aspirations in the garden’s embrace,
And leave this ruined one where flocks now graze.

متن غزل

ای لعبت خندان لب لعلت که مزیده‌ست؟

وی باغ لطافت به رویت که گزیده‌ست؟


زیباتر از این صید همه عمر نکرده‌ست

شیرین‌تر از این خربزه هرگز نبریده‌ست


ای خضر حلالت نکنم چشمهٔ حیوان

دانی که سکندر به چه محنت طلبیده‌ست؟


آن خون کسی ریخته‌ای یا می سرخ است

یا توت سیاه است که بر جامه چکیده‌ست


با جمله برآمیزی و از ما بگریزی

جرم از تو نباشد گنه از بخت رمیده‌ست


نیک است که دیوار به یک بار بیفتاد

تا هیچکس این باغ نگویی که ندیده‌ست


بسیار توقف نکند میوهٔ بر بار

چون عام بدانست که شیرین و رسیده‌ست


گل نیز در آن هفته دهن باز نمی‌کرد

وامروز نسیم سحرش پرده دریده‌ست


در دجله که مرغابی از اندیشه نرفتی

کشتی رود اکنون که تتر جسر بریده‌ست


رفت آن که فقاع از تو گشایند دگر بار

ما را بس از این کوزه که بیگانه مکیده‌ست


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