O light of my eye, listen to what I have to say, Ghazal 398 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 52 1

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In this ghazāl, Hafez celebrates love, wine, and the carefree pursuit of pleasure. He encourages the reader to embrace the present moment and not be burdened by the concerns of the future.

Key Themes:

Love and passion: The poet expresses a deep longing for his beloved and the joy of their companionship.
The joy of life: The poet encourages the reader to enjoy life's pleasures and not be burdened by guilt or regret.
Criticism of hypocrisy: Hafez criticizes those who preach morality but do not practice it themselves.

English Translation for Ghazal

O light of my eye, listen to what I have to say
Since your cup is full, drink and enjoy

There are many temptations of the devil on the path of love
Come forward and lend your heart's ear to the message of the divine messenger

The leaf of the lute has been ruined and the instrument of joy remains not
O lute, wail and O tambourine, roar

The rosary and the ascetic's robe will not bring you the pleasure of intoxication
Seek help in this matter from the wine-seller

The elders of speech, from experience, have told you
Listen, O son, when you grow old

Love does not place a chain on the wise
If you want to pull your beloved's locks, abandon reason

There is no regret in spending life and wealth on friends
Sacrifice a hundred lives for your beloved, heed this advice

O wine-server, may your cup never be empty of pure wine
Cast a glance of favor upon me, the sorrowful drinker

Pass by, intoxicated, in a flowing robe
Give a kiss as an offering to Hafiz, the rough-clad one

متن غزل

ای نور چشم من سخنی هست گوش کن

چون ساغرت پُر است بنوشان و نوش کن


در راه عشق وسوسهٔ اهرمن بسیست

پیش آی و گوشِ دل به پیام سروش کن


برگ نوا تبه شد و ساز طرب نماند

ای چنگ ناله برکش و ای دف خروش کن


تسبیح و خرقه لذّت مستی نبخشدت

همّت در این عمل طلب از می‌فروش کن


پیران سخن ز تجربه گویند گفتمت

هان ای پسر که پیر شوی پند گوش کن


بر هوشمند سلسله ننهاد دست عشق

خواهی که زلف یار کشی ترک هوش کن


با دوستان مضایقه در عمر و مال نیست

صد جان فدای یار نصیحت نیوش کن


ساقی که جامت از می صافی تهی مباد

چشم عنایتی به من دردنوش کن


سرمست در قبای زرافشان چو بگذری

یک بوسه نذر حافظ پشمینه‌پوش کن

@hamed Oct. 10, 2024, 7:02 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

ساغر: cup
اهریمن: devil
سروش: divine messenger
تسبیح: rosary
خرقه: ascetic's robe
مضایقه: regret
Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.