O my wounded heart, with your lips, fulfill your salt covenant, Ghazal 301 by Hafez
By @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 6 3
ای دلِ ریشِ مرا با لبِ تو حقِّ نمک
حق نگه دار که من میروم، الله مَعَک
تویی آن گوهرِ پاکیزه که در عالمِ قدس
ذکرِ خیرِ تو بُوَد حاصلِ تسبیحِ مَلَک
در خلوصِ مَنَت ار هست شکی، تجربه کن
کس عیارِ زرِ خالص نشناسد چو محَک
گفته بودی که شَوَم مست و دو بوست بدهم
وعده از حد بشد و ما نه دو دیدیم و نه یَک
بگشا پستهٔ خندان و شِکَرریزی کن
خلق را از دهنِ خویش مَیَنداز به شک
چرخ برهم زنم ار غیرِ مرادم گردد
من نه آنم که زبونی کَشَم از چرخِ فلک
چون بَرِ حافظِ خویشش نگذاری باری
ای رقیب از بَرِ او یک دو قدم دورتَرَک
English Translation:
O my wounded heart, with your lips, fulfill your salt covenant
Remember me as I go, may God be with you.
You are that pure gem in the sacred realm
The mention of your goodness is the result of the angels’ prayer beads.
If there is doubt in the purity of my intentions, test me
No one knows the purity of gold like the touchstone.
You said I would become drunk and you would give me two kisses
Your promise exceeded the limit, and we saw neither two nor one.
Open your laughing pistachio and pour out honey
Do not make the people doubt you with your mouth.
I will overturn the sky if it does not fulfill my desire
I am not one who will cower before the celestial sphere.
Since you do not place a burden on your own Hafez
O rival, step a few paces away from him.
English Translation for Ghazal
متن غزل
Explanation of the Ghazal
This ghazal by Hafez is a passionate expression of love and devotion. The poet addresses his beloved, expressing his longing and disappointment while also asserting his unwavering devotion.
Key Themes:
Love and longing: The poet expresses a deep and passionate love for his beloved.
Disappointment and betrayal: The beloved has made a promise that has not been fulfilled, leading to the poet's disappointment.
Devotion and loyalty: Despite the disappointment, the poet remains fiercely loyal to his beloved.
Defiance: The poet expresses defiance against fate and destiny.
Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:
The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.