O sun, mirror of your beauty, Ghazal 408 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 43 1

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In this ghazāl, Hafez expresses deep admiration and longing for his beloved. He uses vivid imagery and metaphors to describe her beauty and the impact she has on his heart and soul.

Key Themes:

Love and longing: The poet expresses an intense longing for his beloved and the joy of her companionship.
The beauty of the beloved: Hafez extols the beauty of his beloved and her ability to captivate others.
The spiritual nature of love: The poet suggests that love can be a spiritual experience, connecting the lover to a higher power.

English Translation for Ghazal

O sun, mirror of your beauty
Your black mole is a swirling censer of musk

I have washed the courtyard of my eye, but to what avail?
For this corner is not worthy of the procession of your imagination

In the height of your pride and luxury, O king of beauty
May your glory never decline until the Day of Judgment

No image is more pleasing than your portrait
Like the turbulent writing of a black eyebrow

How are you, poor heart, in the folds of her hair?
For the wayward morning breeze has described your condition

The scent of roses has risen from the door, come in
O our new spring, with your auspicious face

Until the sky is filled with the ring of our ears
Where is a coquettish glance from your crescent-shaped eyebrow?

So that I may return before fortune, offering congratulations
Where is the good tidings of the arrival of our union?

This black dot that has become the center of light
Is an image in the garden of vision, from your mole

What complaint should I make before the king?
Should I describe my need or my sorrow?

Many a headstrong soul is trapped in this snare, Hafiz
Don't scoff at my crooked desire, for it is not within your power

متن غزل

ای آفتاب آینه دار جمال تو

مشک سیاه مجمره گردان خال تو


صحن سرای دیده بشستم ولی چه سود

کـ‌این گوشه نیست درخور خیل خیال تو


در اوج ناز و نعمتی ای پادشاه حسن

یا رب مباد تا به قیامت زوال تو


مطبوعتر ز نقش تو صورت نبست باز

طغرانویس ابروی مشکین مثال تو


در چین زلفش ای دل مسکین چگونه‌ای

کآشفته گفت باد صبا شرح حال تو


برخاست بوی گل ز در آشتی درآی

ای نوبهار ما رخ فرخنده فال تو


تا آسمان ز حلقه به گوشان ما شود

کو عشوه‌ای ز ابروی همچون هلال تو


تا پیش بخت بازروم تهنیت کنان

کو مژده‌ای ز مقدم عید وصال تو


این نقطه سیاه که آمد مدار نور

عکسیست در حدیقه بینش ز خال تو


در پیش شاه عرض کدامین جفا کنم

شرح نیازمندی خود یا ملال تو


حافظ در این کمند سر سرکشان بسیست

سودای کج مپز که نباشد مجال تو

@hamed Oct. 10, 2024, 4:15 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

آینه: mirror
مشک: musk
طغرا: flourish (in calligraphy)
نوبهار: new spring

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.