O uninformed one, strive to become knowledgeable, Ghazal 487 by Hafez

O uninformed one, strive to become knowledgeable, Ghazal 487 by Hafez

By @hamed on October 12, 2024

O uninformed one, strive to become knowledgeable, Ghazal 487 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

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In this ghazāl, Hafez is urging the seeker to embark on a spiritual journey and to strive for divine union. He uses rich imagery and Sufi concepts to convey his message.

Key Themes:

Spiritual journey: Hafez encourages the reader to embark on a spiritual quest and to seek divine knowledge.
Self-purification: The poet emphasizes the importance of purifying the soul and detaching from worldly desires.
Divine union: The ultimate goal of the spiritual journey is union with the divine.

English Translation for Ghazal

O uninformed one, strive to become knowledgeable
So that you may not be a passerby, but a guide

In the school of divine truths, before the scholar of love
O son, strive so that one day you may become a father

Wash your hands of the dirt of existence like the men of the path
So that you may find the elixir of love and become gold

Sleep and food have distanced you from your station
Then you will reach yourself when you are without sleep and food

If the light of divine love falls on your heart and soul
By God, you will be more beautiful than the sun of the sky

For a moment, drown in the ocean of God, don’t think
That you will get wet even a hair from the water of seven seas

From head to toe, you will become all the light of God
On the path of the Glorious One, become without feet or head

If the face of God becomes the object of your sight
From then on, there will be no doubt that you are a seer

When the foundation of your existence is turned upside down
Have nothing in your heart that is upside down

If you have the desire for union in your heart, O Hafez
You must become the dust of the threshold of the people of art

Ghazal in Persian

ای بی‌خبر بکوش که صاحب خبر شوی

تا راهرو نباشی کی راهبر شوی


در مکتب حقایق پیش ادیب عشق

هان ای پسر بکوش که روزی پدر شوی


دست از مس وجود چو مردان ره بشوی

تا کیمیای عشق بیابی و زر شوی


خواب و خورت ز مرتبه خویش دور کرد

آن گه رسی به خویش که بی خواب و خور شوی


گر نور عشق حق به دل و جانت اوفتد

بالله کز آفتاب فلک خوبتر شوی


یک دم غریق بحر خدا شو گمان مبر

کز آب هفت بحر به یک موی تر شوی


از پای تا سرت همه نور خدا شود

در راه ذوالجلال چو بی پا و سر شوی


وجه خدا اگر شودت منظر نظر

زین پس شکی نماند که صاحب نظر شوی


بنیاد هستی تو چو زیر و زبر شود

در دل مدار هیچ که زیر و زبر شوی


گر در سرت هوای وصال است حافظا

باید که خاک درگه اهل هنر شوی

@hamed Oct. 12, 2024, 9:21 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

کیمیای عشق: the elixir of love, a symbol of spiritual transformation
ذوالجلال: the Glorious One, a reference to God
اهل هنر: people of art, referring to spiritual seekers

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.