O win e-server, arise and pass the cup of wine! Ghazal 8 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 46 2

ساقیا برخیز و دَردِه جام را

خاک بر سر کن غمِ ایام را


ساغرِ مِی بر کَفَم نِه تا ز بَر

بَرکِشَم این دلقِ اَزرَق‌فام را


گرچه بدنامی‌ست نزد عاقلان

ما نمی‌خواهیم ننگ و نام را


باده دَردِه چند از این بادِ غرور

خاک بر سر، نفسِ نافرجام را


دودِ آهِ سینهٔ نالانِ من

سوخت این افسردگانِ خام را


محرمِ رازِ دلِ شیدایِ خود

کس نمی‌بینم ز خاص و عام را


با دلارامی مرا خاطر خوش است

کز دلم یک باره بُرد آرام را


ننگرد دیگر به سرو اندر چمن

هرکه دید آن سروِ سیم‌اندام را


صبر کن حافظ به سختی روز و شب

عاقبت روزی بیابی کام را



English Translation:

O wine-server, arise and pass the cup of wine!
Scatter the dust of sorrow upon the days.

Place the goblet of wine in my hand so that I may
Cast off this blue-colored robe of misery.

Though it is a disgrace among the wise,
We do not seek fame or reputation.

Drink wine and forget this arrogant wind,
And scatter dust upon this fruitless breath.

The smoke of the sigh from my sorrowful chest
Has burned these raw and withered hearts.

I see no one, from the special to the common,
Who is privy to the secret of my infatuated heart.

I am content with my beloved,
Who has completely stolen my peace of mind.

No one would look at the cypress in the meadow,
Whoever has seen that slender silver-body cypress.

Be patient, Hafez, through the hardship of day and night,
In the end, you will find satisfaction.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@hamed July 29, 2024, 2:45 p.m.

A Brief Explanation of the Translation

Wine and Intoxication: As in many of Hafez's ghazals, wine is used as a metaphor for divine love and spiritual intoxication.
Sufi Undertones: The poem has strong Sufi undertones, with the poet seeking spiritual enlightenment through love and devotion.
The Transient Nature of Life: The poet reflects on the fleeting nature of earthly pleasures and the importance of living in the moment.

@hamed July 29, 2024, 2:45 p.m.

Key Themes:

Love and Longing: The poet expresses a deep longing for a beloved.
Spiritual Quest: The poem can be interpreted as a spiritual journey, with the beloved representing a higher power.
The Transient Nature of Life: The poet emphasizes the impermanence of earthly pleasures.