O you who said, "No pain compares to separation from the beloved," Ghazal 117 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 49 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi reflects on the pain of separation, the resilience of hope, and the deep yearning for a beloved who remains out of reach. He vividly describes his sorrow through imagery of tears, sleepless nights, and a face that reveals the story of his heart. The poet contrasts the sweetness of love with the necessary endurance of its difficulties, emphasizing that true devotion transcends worldly comparisons. Saadi rejects the beauty of ordinary gardens, declaring his love for a unique, unattainable flower—a metaphor for his beloved. The ghazal speaks to the universal themes of longing, patience, and the incomparable allure of true love.

English Translation for Ghazal

O you who said, "No pain compares to separation from the beloved,"
If hope for union remains, the hardship is not as profound.

People should awaken from the stream of my tears,
Yet strangely, I weep only when no one is awake.

The tips of my lashes, crimson-stained,
Write the tale of my heart upon the pale canvas of my face—no words are needed.

I once blamed the lovelorn, and so I became one myself,
But this punishment for that sin is not excessive.

O morning breeze, if by chance you pass that way,
Give blessings to the one who denies me an audience.

Often I press my weary face against a wall in despair,
For there’s no better confidant for my heartache than the wall.

We’ve silenced ourselves about the chatter of the world,
If we have words, they are for the beloved, not for others.

You have power over all things, except to wound me,
For even if you place a sword on my head, I feel no pain.

One must endure the sting to savor the sweetness,
The weight of Mount Bisotun is no burden when thinking of Shirin.

You resemble the cypress tree, yet it does not share your grace,
You are like the moon, yet it lacks your eloquence.

If my heart became mad in love for you, do not blame it,
For no moon is flawless, no gold is without blemish, and no rose is without thorns.

Praise be to God for the stature and elegance of that graceful cypress,
For its equal does not exist beneath the celestial dome.

Friends say, “Saadi, pitch your tent in the garden of flowers.”
But I love a flower that is not found in any garden.

متن غزل

ای که گفتی هیچ مشکل چون فراق یار نیست

گر امید وصل باشد همچنان دشوار نیست


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