Of all that is spoken, words of the beloved are sweetest, Ghazal 63 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 49 0

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This ghazal by Saadi expresses the depth of love and longing for the beloved. Saadi captures the paradoxical state of being physically present yet emotionally distant, consumed by thoughts of the beloved. Through vivid imagery of burning oud, grave-like nights, and dreams of reconciliation, the poet reflects on the pain of separation and the yearning for reunion. The poem intertwines themes of devotion, loss, and hope, revealing Saadi’s profound understanding of the human heart and its desires. The final lines caution against holding on to unattainable dreams, underscoring the bittersweet nature of love.

English Translation for Ghazal

Of all that is spoken, words of the beloved are sweetest,
A message from the familiar one is a soul-refreshing breath.

Have you ever heard of a present absence?
I am amidst the crowd, yet my heart is elsewhere.

If the beloved is absent, let the candle extinguish itself,
For when they are present, no lamp is needed to bring light.

People of the world wander to deserts and gardens,
But the deserts and gardens of the true-hearted are the lover's abode.

I am ready to sacrifice my life at their feet with joy,
Yet I linger, for my offering is meager.

I wish that the one estranged in anger would reconcile,
And return to me, for my longing eyes are fixed upon the door.

Beloved! My heart burns like oud upon the fire for you,
And even the breath I draw is smoke rising from the censer.

Nights without you are like the grave in my imagination,
And mornings without you feel like the Day of Judgment.

Your hair encircling your neck is pure ambergris,
What need does such a beautiful beloved have for adornments?

Saadi, you weave futile hopes, dreaming of reunion;
Separation has consumed you, and union remains but a vision.

Beware of this long hope lodged within your heart,
Alas for the impossible dream fixed in your mind.

متن غزل

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