Perhaps the morning breeze carries the scent of my beloved's hair, Ghazal 83 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 35 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi is a profound expression of unconditional love and devotion. The poet's attachment to the beloved transcends personal hardships and desires, emphasizing a love that prioritizes the beloved's will over his own. Saadi portrays love as both a source of suffering and solace, demonstrating the paradoxical nature of deep affection. Themes of selflessness, longing, and spiritual connection dominate the poem, as the poet finds beauty and fulfillment in serving the beloved, regardless of the trials he endures. Saadi's lyrical mastery vividly conveys the pain and joy intertwined in love.

English Translation for Ghazal

Perhaps the morning breeze carries the scent of my beloved's hair,
For it soothes the restless heart that my sorrows bear.

My fortune's eyes would never close in slumber,
If I saw my beloved in a dream, resting beside me in wonder.

Even if I clearly see that they aim to take my life,
I would not withhold my heart; such hesitation is not my strife.

Though my precious life may not suit their desire,
It remains within my reach to give, should they require.

This devotion is not of my choosing or design,
For the beloved's pleasure always surpasses what’s mine.

Even if a thousand griefs from their cruelty weigh upon me,
I remain their servant, for they are my solace eternally.

In the privacy of my heart, no stranger has a place,
Leave now, for anyone who’s not my beloved is my burden to face.

My heart cares not for gardens or fields of bloom,
For the memory of my beloved is my rose garden’s perfume.

O oppressor, you burned Saadi's heart in pursuit of you,
But your heart didn’t ache for the one who places hope in you.

If your wish is to leave me unfulfilled, so be it—
For whatever you desire aligns with my own spirit.

متن غزل

مگر نسیم سحر بوی زلف یار منست

که راحت دل رنجور بی‌قرار منست


به خواب در نرود چشم بخت من همه عمر

گرش به خواب ببینم که در کنار منست


اگر معاینه بینم که قصد جان دارد

به جان مضایقه با دوستان نه کار منست


حقیقت آن که نه در خورد اوست جان عزیز

ولیک درخور امکان و اقتدار منست


نه اختیار منست این معاملت لیکن

رضای دوست مقدم بر اختیار منست


اگر هزار غمست از جفای او بر دل

هنوز بنده اویم که غمگسار منست


درون خلوت ما غیر در نمی‌گنجد

برو که هر که نه یار منست بار منست


به لاله‌زار و گلستان نمی‌رود دل من

که یاد دوست گلستان و لاله‌زار منست


ستمگرا دل سعدی بسوخت در طلبت

دلت نسوخت که مسکین امیدوار منست


و گر مراد تو اینست بی‌مرادی من

تفاوتی نکند چون مراد یار منست