Praise be to God for the equal of the Sultan, Ghazal 472 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 45 1

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The poem is filled with lavish praise for the ruler, comparing him to celestial bodies, historical figures, and natural wonders. Hafez uses a variety of poetic devices, such as similes, metaphors, and hyperbole, to create a powerful and evocative image of the ruler.

Key themes:

Praise and flattery: The entire poem is dedicated to praising the ruler and his virtues.
Royalty and power: The ruler is compared to kings, emperors, and celestial bodies, emphasizing his power and grandeur.
Persian culture: The poem is filled with references to Persian history, geography, and culture.

English Translation for Ghazal

Praise be to God for the equal of the Sultan
Ahmad, son of Oveis, Hasan of the Ilkhan clan

Khan of Khans, Emperor of Emperors, born of kings
Whose life, if called the soul of the world, would be fitting

The unseen eye has faith in your fortune
Well done, for such grace has God bestowed

If the moon rises without you, let it be split in two
The fortune of Ahmad and the miracle of the Subhani

Your fortune's radiance steals the hearts of kings and beggars
May the evil eye be far, for you are both life and soul

Break the Turkic locks, for in your destiny
Lies the generosity and striving of Khaqani and Chingiz Khan

Though we are far, we raise our cups in your memory
There is no end to the journey of the soul

From the rose of Persia, the bud of pleasure has not bloomed
How delightful is the Tigris of Baghdad and its fragrant wine

The head of the lover, which is not dust in the beloved's sight
How can it be freed from the torment of wandering?

O morning breeze, bring dust from my beloved
So that Hafez may have a radiant heart

متن غزل

احمد الله علی معدلة السلطان

احمد شیخ اویس حسن ایلخانی


خان بن خان و شهنشاه شهنشاه نژاد

آن که می‌زیبد اگر جان جهانش خوانی


دیده نادیده به اقبال تو ایمان آورد

مرحبا ای به چنین لطف خدا ارزانی


ماه اگر بی تو برآید به دو نیمش بزنند

دولت احمدی و معجزه سبحانی


جلوه بخت تو دل می‌برد از شاه و گدا

چشم بد دور که هم جانی و هم جانانی


برشکن کاکل ترکانه که در طالع توست

بخشش و کوشش خاقانی و چنگزخانی


گرچه دوریم به یاد تو قدح می‌گیریم

بعد منزل نبود در سفر روحانی


از گل پارسیم غنچه عیشی نشکفت

حبذا دجله بغداد و می ریحانی


سر عاشق که نه خاک در معشوق بود

کی خلاصش بود از محنت سرگردانی


ای نسیم سحری خاک در یار بیار

که کند حافظ از او دیده دل نورانی

@hamed Oct. 12, 2024, 8:31 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

Ilkhan: A Mongol ruler of Persia
Khaqani: A famous Persian poet known for his panegyrics
Chingiz Khan: The founder of the Mongol Empire
Subhani: A reference to the divine, suggesting that the ruler's fortune is a divine gift

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Cultural and historical references: The poem is filled with references to Persian history and culture that may not be as familiar to a non-Persian speaker.