Seize the moment as much as you can, Ghazal 473 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 56 1

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In this ghazāl, Hafez explores themes of love, loss, and the fleeting nature of life. He uses vivid imagery and poetic devices to convey the intensity of his feelings.

Key Themes:

Love and longing: The poet expresses a deep longing for his beloved and the pain of separation.
The fleeting nature of life: Hafez reflects on the impermanence of life and the importance of enjoying the moment.
Spiritual seeking: The poet explores the spiritual journey and the search for meaning.

English Translation for Ghazal

Seize the moment as much as you can This moment is all you'll gain from life, know this well The wheel of fortune brings sweetness but also bitterness Strive to gather the riches of life's bounty

If the gardener, like me, leaves this place, be it forbidden
If you plant a cypress other than my beloved in my place

The repentant ascetic will be killed by the joy of wine
O wise one, don't do anything that will bring regret

The morality police don't know as much as the Sufi
That a familiar thing can be like a ruby

Don’t compete with the night-praying pious, sweet-lipped ones
We are protected by the seal of Solomon's name

Listen to the advice of lovers and return to the door of joy
For all this world's work is not worth it

My dear Joseph is gone, O brothers, have mercy
I see the old man of Canaan in a similar state of grief

Don’t speak of your wildness to the ascetic, for one cannot tell
One’s secret pain to an unsympathetic doctor

You go, and your eyelashes shed the blood of people
You go so fast, my love, I fear you will fall

My heart was guarded from the arrow of your eye
But your arched eyebrow takes it to my forehead

Gather up the distraught Hafez with your kindness
O curl of your hair, assembly of confusion

If you are indifferent to us, O heavy-hearted beauty
I will tell my own story to Asif the Second

متن غزل

وقت را غنیمت دان آن قدَر که بتْوانی

حاصل از حیات ای جان این دم است تا دانی


کام‌بخشیِ گردون عمر در عوض دارد

جهد کن که از دولت دادِ عیش بستانی


باغبان چو من زین جا بگذرم حرامت باد

گر به جای من سروی غیر دوست بنشانی


زاهد پشیمان را ذوق باده خواهد کشت

عاقلا، مکن کاری کآورد پشیمانی


محتسب نمی‌داند این قدر که صوفی را

جنس خانگی باشد همچو لعل رمانی


با دعای شب‌خیزان ای شکردهان مستیز

در پناه یک اسم است خاتم سلیمانی


پند عاشقان بشنو و از در طرب بازآ

کاین همه نمی‌ارزد شغل عالم فانی


یوسف عزیزم رفت ای برادران رحمی

کز غمش عجب بینم حال پیر کنعانی


پیش زاهد از رندی دم مزن که نتوان گفت

با طبیب نامحرم حال درد پنهانی


می‌روی و مژگانت خون خلق می‌ریزد

تیز می‌روی جانا ترسمت فرومانی


دل ز ناوک چشمت گوش داشتم لیکن

ابروی کماندارت می‌برد به پیشانی


جمع کن به احسانی حافظ پریشان را

ای شکنج گیسویت مجمع پریشانی


گر تو فارغی از ما ای نگار سنگین دل

حال خود بخواهم گفت پیش آصف ثانی

@hamed Oct. 12, 2024, 8:36 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

Joseph: A biblical figure often used as a symbol of beauty and belovedness in Persian poetry
Asif: A wise and loyal advisor in ancient Persian mythology, often used as a symbol of wisdom
Muley: A type of grape, often used metaphorically in Persian poetry

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.