That is not merely hair and earlobe; it is day and night entwined. Ghazal 51 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 4 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi uses rich metaphors to celebrate the beloved’s beauty and the transformative power of love, particularly in the spring season, a time of renewal. He marvels at the beloved’s charm, comparing it to natural elements like day and night, the cypress tree, and spring breezes. Saadi emphasizes the irresistible allure of love, even at the cost of pain and separation. He concludes by acknowledging the impossibility of hiding such intense emotions, highlighting the vulnerability and transparency of his feelings. The poem conveys both the rapture and the agony of love.

English Translation for Ghazal

That is not merely hair and earlobe; it is day and night entwined.
And that is not the stature of a cypress but the trunk of a date palm refined.

Not a mouth that words can capture in imagination's sweep,
Unless one speaks of lips and knows the mystery they keep.

The fire of your face has ignited such a blaze in all,
It is no wonder things burn; the marvel is if they don't fall.

No human resists becoming a lover in spring's embrace,
And any plant unmoved by Nowruz is mere firewood in place.

Your cypress-like sway seems stirred by the morning breeze,
But truly, it's joy at the songs of birds among the trees.

Not everyone feels for you the yearning I bear,
You are the sun, while short-sighted is the owl of despair.

I long to spend my life in pursuit of your grace,
Though my path falls short of the seeker’s pace.

Every fate has a cause; in my beloved’s absence,
It is death that calls me, and this separation its essence.

I dare not speak of my sorrow to strangers who'd scoff,
For complaining of a friend to foes is most unkind and off.

Yet how can such a state remain veiled from view?
You tear armor asunder, and Saadi’s curtains are gossamer, too.

متن غزل

آن نه زلف است و بناگوش که روز است و شب است

وان نه بالای صنوبر که درخت رطب است


نه دهانیست که در وهم سخندان آید

مگر اندر سخن آیی و بداند که لب است


آتش روی تو زین گونه که در خلق گرفت

عجب از سوختگی نیست که خامی عجب است


آدمی نیست که عاشق نشود وقت بهار

هر گیاهی که به نوروز نجنبد حطب است


جنبش سرو تو پنداری کز باد صباست

نه که از نالهٔ مرغان چمن در طرب است


هر کسی را به تو این میل نباشد که مرا

کآفتابی تو و کوتاه نظر مرغ شب است


خواهم اندر طلبت عمر به پایان آورد

گرچه راهم نه به اندازهٔ پای طلب است


هر قضایی سببی دارد و من در غم دوست

اجلم می‌کشد و درد فراقش سبب است


سخن خویش به بیگانه نمی‌یارم گفت

گله از دوست به دشمن نه طریق ادب است


لیکن این حال محال است که پنهان ماند

تو زره می‌دری و پرده سعدی قصب است