The breath of the morning breeze will become fragrant, Ghazal 164 by Hafez

The breath of the morning breeze will become fragrant, Ghazal 164 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 28, 2024

The breath of the morning breeze will become fragrant, Ghazal 164 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

نفسِ بادِ صبا مُشک‌فشان خواهد شد

عالَمِ پیر دگرباره جوان خواهد شد


ارغوان جامِ عقیقی به سمن خواهد داد

چشمِ نرگس به شقایق نگران خواهد شد


این تَطاول که کشید از غمِ هجران بلبل

تا سراپردهٔ گل نعره‌زنان خواهد شد


گر ز مسجد به خرابات شدم خرده مگیر

مجلس وعظ دراز است و زمان خواهد شد


ای دل ار عشرتِ امروز به فردا فکنی

مایهٔ نقدِ بقا را که ضِمان خواهد شد؟


ماه شعبان مَنِه از دست قدح، کاین خورشید

از نظر تا شبِ عیدِ رمضان خواهد شد


گل عزیز است غنیمت شِمُریدَش صحبت

که به باغ آمد از این راه و از آن خواهد شد


مطربا مجلسِ انس است غزل خوان و سرود

چند گویی که چنین رفت و چنان خواهد شد؟


حافظ از بهر تو آمد سویِ اقلیمِ وجود

قدمی نِه به وداعش که روان خواهد شد



English Translation:

The breath of the morning breeze will become fragrant,
The aging world will become young again.

The lilac will offer a ruby goblet to the jasmine,
The narcissus' eye will gaze anxiously at the tulip.

The nightingale, which has suffered so much from the pain of separation,
Will cry out loudly until the tent of the rose.

Do not reproach me if I leave the mosque for the tavern,
The sermon is long, and time will pass.

O heart, if you postpone today's pleasure until tomorrow,
Who will guarantee the capital of eternal life?

Do not let the month of Sha'ban slip from your hand, for this sun
Will be eclipsed until the night of Eid al-Fitr.

The flower is precious, cherish its companionship,
For it has come to the garden from this path and will leave from another.

O musician, this gathering is for companionship, sing a song,
Why do you keep saying that this has gone and that will come?

Hafez has come to the realm of existence for your sake,
Do not take a step towards farewell, for he will depart.

@hamed Aug. 28, 2024, 6:54 a.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal
In this ghazal, Hafez celebrates the beauty of spring, the joy of love, and the transience of life. He invites his beloved to enjoy the pleasures of the moment.

@hamed Aug. 28, 2024, 6:54 a.m.

Key Themes:

Spring and Renewal: The poet celebrates the arrival of spring and the renewal of nature.
Love and Beauty: The ghazal is filled with references to the beauty of nature and the beloved.
The Transience of Life: Hafez reminds us of the fleeting nature of life and the importance of seizing the moment.

@hamed Aug. 28, 2024, 6:54 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

باد صبا: Morning breeze
ارغوان: Lilac
سمن: Jasmine
نرگس: Narcissus
شقایق: Tulip
بلبل: Nightingale
شعبان: The eighth month of the Islamic lunar calendar
عید الفطر: The festival that marks the end of Ramadan

@hamed Aug. 28, 2024, 6:54 a.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep emotional expression with rich imagery. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a vivid and evocative picture of the human experience.