The cypress of the garden bows before your grace, Ghazal 54 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 44 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi is a poetic exaltation of the beloved’s unmatched beauty and charm, with the natural world and celestial wonders paling in comparison. The beloved’s allure captivates all, leaving no heart untouched, and even seasons of spiritual devotion like Sha’ban and Ramadan are powerless against their mesmerizing gaze. Saadi reflects on the inescapable pull of love, likening it to a snare from which no one escapes unscathed. The poem concludes with a sharp rebuke to those who cannot appreciate the sweetness of love, equating their denial to finding bitterness in sugarcane. It is a celebration of love’s supremacy over reason and restraint.

English Translation for Ghazal

The cypress of the garden bows before your grace,
Even the sun’s brilliance dims against your face.

The celestial candle, with a thousand starry flames,
Retires in humility where your presence reigns.

People renounce sin in Sha’ban’s blessed light,
Yet in Ramadan, your eyes remain intoxicated and bright.

Such strength and valor, lion-hearted and bold,
Yet no one escapes your snare’s hold.

One of your lovers lies slain by your blade,
Another wounded, pierced by the arrows you’ve made.

The tale of Majnun is carried by the heart’s eye,
Yet none can see whose soul love denies.

To grasp the hem of the beloved’s attire,
Ask those who have choice amidst their desire.

Whoever lacks attachment to a spirit like you,
Is a beast enslaved by desires untrue.

The one who denies Saadi’s taste for love’s delight,
Holds sugarcane bitter as poison in their bite.

متن غزل

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