The dust of my body is a veil over my soul's face, Ghazal 342 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 47 1

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This ghazal by Hafez is a deeply spiritual and philosophical poem. The poet explores themes of the soul, the body, and the longing for divine union.

Key Themes:

The soul and the body: The poet contrasts the spiritual soul with the physical body, longing for liberation from the constraints of the physical world.
The journey of the soul: The poet contemplates the purpose of life and the journey of the soul toward divine union.
The longing for divine love: The poet expresses a deep longing for divine love and a desire to be united with the Beloved.
The poet's humility: The poet presents himself as a humble servant of the divine.

English Translation for Ghazal

The dust of my body is a veil over my soul's face
How pleasant a moment when I will cast aside that veil

Such a cage is not worthy of a bird as melodious as me
I shall go to the garden of Paradise, where I am the garden’s rose.

It has not been revealed why I came or where I am going
Alas and woe, that I am oblivious to my own affairs.

How can I soar in the expanse of the sacred world?
For in the mansion of composition, I am a prisoner of my body.

If the scent of longing comes from the blood of my heart
Do not be surprised that I am a fellow sufferer of the Khutan musk.

Do not look at the pattern of my golden robe like a candle
For there are hidden burns within my shirt.

Come and take away Hafez’s existence from before him
For with your presence, no one will hear me say “I am”.

متن غزل

حجابِ چهرهٔ جان می‌شود غبارِ تنم

خوشا دَمی که از آن چهره پرده برفکنم


چُنین قفس نه سزایِ چو من خوش اَلحانیست

رَوَم به گلشنِ رضوان، که مرغِ آن چمنم


عیان نشد که چرا آمدم، کجا رفتم

دریغ و درد که غافل ز کارِ خویشتنم


چگونه طوف کنم در فضایِ عالمِ قدس؟

که در سراچهٔ ترکیب، تخته‌‌بندِ تنم


اگر ز خونِ دلم بویِ شوق می‌آید

عجب مدار که هم‌دردِ نافهٔ خُتَنَم


طرازِ پیرهنِ زَرکشم مبین چون شمع

که سوزهاست نهانی درونِ پیرهنم


بیا و هستیِ حافظ ز پیشِ او بردار

که با وجودِ تو کَس نَشنَوَد ز من که منم

@hamed Oct. 8, 2024, 3:19 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

حجاب: Veil
گلشنِ رضوان: Garden of Paradise
نافهٔ خُتَن: Musk of Khutan (a very fragrant musk)
Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.