The foot of the cypress in the garden is stuck in the mud,
But our cypress finds its roots in the heart's depth instead.
Whoever’s eyes fall upon such a radiant face,
Their fortune is blessed, and their destiny filled with grace.
Well-wishers offer me advice and counsel,
But casting bricks into the sea is futile.
O brother, we are drowning in this whirlpool,
While those who mock stand safely on the shore's rule.
Passion overpowers patience's might,
Reason’s claim against love is not right.
They accuse the lover of neglect and distraction,
Yet the one without a beloved is truly in delusion.
Have you seen the thirsty rush toward water’s trace?
The soul, too, hastens toward the Beloved’s embrace.
Sacrificing wealth, fame, and abandoning shame,
Is merely the first step in love’s ardent game.
If a seeker dies in longing for the beloved,
It is no loss—living without love is harder endured.
A lover spoke, tears flowing as he sighed:
“Rest easy, for my Beloved is the one who takes lives.”
O Saadi, in the eyes of true lovers,
The world is mad, and the mad are truly wise.