The garden of eternal paradise is the solitude of the dervishes: Ghazal 49 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 46 4

روضهٔ خُلدِ برین خلوتِ درویشان است

مایهٔ مُحتشمی، خدمتِ درویشان است


گَنج عُزلت که طِلِسماتِ عجایب دارد

فتحِ آن در نظرِ رحمتِ درویشان است


قصرِ فردوس که رضوانش به دَربانی رفت

مَنظَری از چمنِ نُزهَتِ درویشان است


آن چه زر می‌شود از پرتو آن قلبِ سیاه

کیمیاییست که در صحبتِ درویشان است


آن که پیشش بِنَهَد تاجِ تکبر، خورشید

کبریاییست که در حِشمتِ درویشان است


دولتی را که نباشد غم از آسیبِ زَوال

بی تَکَلُف بشنو دولتِ درویشان است


خسروان، قبلهٔ حاجاتِ جهانند ولی

سببش بندگیِ حضرتِ درویشان است


رویِ مقصود که شاهان به دعا می‌طَلبند

مَظهَرَش آینهٔ طَلعَتِ درویشان است


از کران تا به کران، لشکر ظُلم است ولی

از اَزَل تا به اَبَد، فرصتِ درویشان است


ای توانگر مَفُروش این همه نِخوَت که تو را

سر و زر در کَنَفِ همتِ درویشان است


گنجِ قارون که فرو می‌شود از قَهر هنوز

خوانده باشی که هم از غِیرتِ درویشان است


حافظ ار آبِ حیاتِ اَزَلی می‌خواهی

مَنبَعَش خاکِ درِ خلوتِ درویشان است


من غلامِ نظرِ آصِفِ عهدم کو را

صورتِ خواجگی و سیرتِ درویشان است



English Translation:

The garden of eternal paradise is the solitude of the dervishes,
The source of nobility is the service of the dervishes.

The treasure of solitude, which holds miraculous spells,
Is the conquest of the eye of the dervishes' mercy.

The palace of paradise, whose gatekeeper is Rezwan,
Is a sight from the pleasure garden of the dervishes.

That which turns to gold from the light of that black heart
Is an alchemy that exists in the company of the dervishes.

He who places the crown of arrogance before him, the sun,
Is the majesty that resides in the dignity of the dervishes.

The wealth that has no fear of decay
Listen, without formality, it is the wealth of the dervishes.

Kings are the qibla of the world's desires, but
The reason is their servitude to the dervishes.

The face of the desired, which kings seek in prayer,
Is manifested in the mirror of the dervishes' appearance.

From end to end, there is an army of tyranny, but
From eternity to eternity, it is the dervishes' opportunity.

O wealthy one, do not sell all this pride, for you
Your head and gold are in the shadow of the dervishes' resolve.

The treasure of Qarun, which is still sinking from wrath,
You have read that it is also from the envy of the dervishes.

Hafez, if you seek the eternal water of life,
Its source is the dust of the dervishes' solitary retreat.

I am a slave to the gaze of the Asaf of my time, who
Has the appearance of a master and the heart of a dervish.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@hamed Aug. 1, 2024, 6:43 a.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez extols the virtues of a simple, spiritual life, particularly that of the dervish or Sufi. He contrasts the fleeting nature of worldly power and wealth with the enduring spiritual riches of those who have renounced worldly pursuits.

@hamed Aug. 1, 2024, 6:43 a.m.

Key Themes:

The Superiority of the Spiritual Life: Hafez argues that the spiritual life of the dervish is superior to worldly power and wealth.
The Power of Humility: The poet emphasizes the importance of humility and simplicity.
The Transience of Worldly Affairs: Hafez reminds the reader of the impermanence of worldly power and possessions.
The Sufi Path: The ghazal celebrates the Sufi path of spiritual seeking.

@hamed Aug. 1, 2024, 6:44 a.m.

Key Persian terms and their nuances:

درویش: Dervish, a Muslim ascetic or mystic
رضوان: The guardian of Paradise in Islamic tradition
قارون: A figure in the Quran who was cursed with wealth and eventually perished
آصف: A wise and just minister in the court of Solomon, often used as a symbol of wisdom

@hamed Aug. 1, 2024, 6:44 a.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep philosophical thoughts with a celebration of the spiritual life. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a rich tapestry of meaning.