The jewel of the treasure of secrets is what it has always been, Ghazal 213 by Hafez

The jewel of the treasure of secrets is what it has always been, Ghazal 213 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 07, 2024

The jewel of the treasure of secrets is what it has always been, Ghazal 213 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

گوهرِ مخزنِ اسرار همان است که بود

حُقِّهٔ مِهر بدان مُهر و نشان است که بود


عاشقان زُمرهٔ اربابِ امانت باشند

لاجرم چشمِ گهربار همان است که بود


از صبا پرس که ما را همه شب تا دمِ صبح

بویِ زلفِ تو همان مونسِ جان است که بود


طالب لعل و گهر نیست وگرنه خورشید

هم‌چُنان در عملِ معدن و کان است که بود


کشتهٔ غمزهٔ خود را به زیارت دریاب

زانکه بیچاره همان دل‌نگران است که بود


رنگِ خونِ دلِ ما را که نهان می‌داری

همچنان در لبِ لعلِ تو عیان است که بود


زلفِ هندویِ تو گفتم که دگر رَه نزند

سال‌ها رفت و بدان سیرت و سان است که بود


حافظا بازنما قصه خونابهٔ چشم

که بر این چشمه همان آبِ روان است که بود



English Translation:

The jewel of the treasure of secrets is what it has always been,
The seal ring of love is marked with that very seal.

Lovers are a group of the trustworthy,
Therefore, a golden eye is what it has always been.

Ask the gentle breeze, which has been our companion every night until dawn,
The scent of your locks, that is the solace of my soul.

A seeker of ruby and jewel is not needed, otherwise the sun
Would still be working in the mine and quarry.

Come visit the one slain by your own glance,
For that poor soul is still full of worry.

The color of the blood of our heart, which you hide,
Is still apparent on your ruby lips.

I said your Indian locks would not change their path,
Years have passed, and they are still of the same nature and appearance.

Hafez, do not reveal the story of the tears of your eyes,
For that spring is still the same flowing water.

@hamed Sept. 7, 2024, 6:02 a.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, devotion, and the enduring nature of beauty. He uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his message.

@hamed Sept. 7, 2024, 6:02 a.m.

Key Themes:

Enduring Love: The poet expresses a deep and enduring love for his beloved.
Spiritual Connection: The poet suggests a deep spiritual connection with his beloved.
Beauty and Permanence: The beloved's beauty is described as timeless and unchanging.

@hamed Sept. 7, 2024, 6:02 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

مخزن اسرار: Treasury of secrets
مهر: Seal, love
صبا: Gentle breeze
لعل: Ruby
هندوی: Indian (often used to describe beautiful, dark hair)

@hamed Sept. 7, 2024, 6:02 a.m.

This ghazal is a celebration of love and beauty. Hafez uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey the intensity of his emotions.