The morning breeze brings the scent of my beloved's hair, Ghazal 146 by Hafez

The morning breeze brings the scent of my beloved's hair, Ghazal 146 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 25, 2024

The morning breeze brings the scent of my beloved's hair, Ghazal 146 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

صبا وقتِ سحر بویی ز زلفِ یار می‌آورد

دل شوریدهٔ ما را به بو، در کار می‌آورد


من آن شکلِ صنوبر را ز باغِ دیده بَرکَندَم

که هر گُل کز غمش بِشْکُفت مِحنت بار می‌آورد


فروغِ ماه می‌دیدم ز بامِ قصر او روشن

که رو از شرمِ آن خورشید در دیوار می‌آورد


ز بیمِ غارتِ عشقش دلِ پُرخون رها کردم

ولی می‌ریخت خون و رَه بِدان هنجار می‌آورد


به قولِ مطرب و ساقی، برون رفتم گَه و بی‌گَه

کز آن راهِ گرانْ قاصد، خبرْ دشوارْ می‌آورد


سراسر بخششِ جانان طریقِ لطف و احسان بود

اگر تسبیح می‌فرمود، اگر زُنّار می‌آورد


عَفَاالله چینِ ابرویَش اگر چه ناتوانم کرد

به عشوه هم پیامی بر سرِ بیمار می‌آورد


عجب می‌داشتم دیشب ز حافظ جام و پیمانه

ولی مَنعَش نمی‌کردم که صوفی وار می‌آورد



English Translation:

The morning breeze brings the scent of my beloved's hair,
Stirring the restless heart and setting it on fire.

I uprooted that cypress-like form from the garden of my sight,
For every flower that bloomed from its sorrow brought hardship.

I saw the moon's light shining from the roof of his palace,
Which would hide from the shame of that sun behind the wall.

For fear of the plunder of his love, I released my blood-filled heart,
But it would still shed blood and follow that familiar path.

Now and then, I would go out, following the words of the musician and the cupbearer,
For that difficult path would bring difficult news from that messenger.

All of the beloved's generosity was a path of kindness and grace,
Whether he recited the rosary or wore a girdle.

May God forgive the curve of her eyebrow, although I was powerless,
With a coquettish glance, she would bring a message to my sick heart.

I was amazed last night at Hafez's cup and goblet,
But I didn't forbid him, for he brought it like a Sufi.

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 10:13 a.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, loss, and spiritual longing.

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 10:13 a.m.

Key Themes:

Unrequited Love: The poet expresses the pain of unrequited love and the longing for his beloved.
Spiritual Journey: The imagery of the morning breeze, the cypress, and the moon suggests a spiritual journey and a search for the divine.
The Beloved: The beloved is often used as a metaphor for the divine, and the love for the beloved represents the human soul's longing for union with the divine.

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 10:14 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

صبا: The morning breeze, often used as a symbol of love and news.
صنوبر: Cypress, a symbol of beauty and elegance.
زُنّار: A girdle worn by Zoroastrians, often used as a symbol of non-Islamic religions.

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 10:14 a.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep emotional expression with rich imagery. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a vivid and evocative picture of the human experience.