The morning is blessed when the beloved’s beauty graces my sight, Ghazal 97 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 37 0

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This ghazal captures Saadi’s profound spiritual and emotional connection with the beloved, whether seen as a divine or earthly figure. The poet celebrates the joy and fortune of witnessing the beloved’s beauty and emphasizes the importance of clearing the heart of worldly distractions to make space for this sacred connection. Saadi expresses the desire to sever all ties with others and devote himself solely to the beloved. He marvels at the beloved’s presence, unsure whether it was reality or a dream, and praises those who lose themselves in the beloved’s perfection. The ghazal concludes with a metaphor of the heart as a mirror, urging the reader to cleanse it of impurities so it can reflect the beloved’s pure and radiant essence. This piece intertwines themes of devotion, longing, and spiritual clarity.

English Translation for Ghazal

The morning is blessed when the beloved’s beauty graces my sight,
A gift from the tree of hope, the promise of the beloved’s light.

Fortune smiled upon me, for I rose from slumber at dawn,
Awakened by the radiant and auspicious fortune of the beloved drawn.

O sorrow of this world and the next, leave my heart and flee,
This home is either for your burden or the beloved’s company.

I long to uproot all ties with others, far and wide,
And plant nothing in my heart’s garden but the beloved’s sapling with pride.

They came, bestowed their grace, and departed—I do not know,
Was this truly the beloved before me, or their dream’s glow?

Reason and sense fled, leaving me speechless and still,
Blessed is the one who is lost in the beloved’s perfection and will.

Saadi, there is no veil—keep your mirror of the heart pristine and bright,
For tarnished glass cannot reflect the beloved’s radiant light.

متن غزل

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