The morning laughs while I weep from the sorrow of my beloved. Ghazal 99 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 40 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi captures the poet's deep love and longing for the beloved. He contrasts his sorrow with the laughter of dawn and laments the beloved's absence. The breeze becomes a messenger between the poet and his beloved, while Saadi pleads for the beloved’s kindness not to be diminished or swayed by rivals or enemies. The poem reflects themes of loyalty, unshakable devotion, and the all-encompassing nature of love, as Saadi's concern remains solely for the beloved's well-being, even above his own heartbreak. It is a testament to the depth of love where the lover becomes selfless in their devotion.

English Translation for Ghazal

The morning laughs while I weep from the sorrow of my beloved.
O dawn breeze, do you bring any news of my beloved’s arrival?

I cry for myself as I see your laughter,
For how can you smile, unaware of the beloved's radiant lips?

O morning breeze, tell my sweet beloved this:
That I know no one else who is a confidant to the beloved but you.

Tell my beloved not to reduce their kindness for others' sake,
For the enemy rejoices when you diminish your love for the loyal.

You, who cast a glance of favor upon the side of the rival,
It is better to not neglect the honor of your devoted beloved.

I am not what the enemy claims; you know this well,
For the enemy's heart has no knowledge of the beloved's realm.

No, no, O breeze, do not convey the plight of my broken heart,
Lest a shadow of sorrow falls upon my beloved’s radiant soul.

Everyone is preoccupied with their own sorrow,
But Saadi's heart is consumed with concern for the beloved’s grief.

متن غزل

صبح می‌خندد و من گریه‌کنان از غم دوست

ای دم صبح چه داری خبر از مقدم دوست


بر خودم گریه همی‌آید و بر خنده‌ی تو

تا تبسّم چه کنی بی‌خبر از مبسم دوست


ای نسیم سحر از من به دلارام بگوی

که کسی جز تو ندانم که بوَد محرم دوست


گو کمِ یار برای دل اغیار مگیر

دشمن این نیک پسندد که تو گیری کم دوست


تو که با جانب خصمت به ارادت نظرست

به که ضایع نگذاری طرف معظم دوست


من نه آنم که عدو گفت، تو خود دانی نیک

که ندارد دل دشمن خبر از عالم دوست


نی نی ای باد مرو حال من خسته مگوی

تا غباری ننشیند به دل خرم دوست


هر کسی را غم خویش‌ست و دل سعدی را

همه وقتی غم آن تا چه کند با غم دوست