The one for whom my heart spins like a ball in the curve of their polo stick, Ghazal 95 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 25 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi reflects on the power of love and the inescapable nature of devotion to the beloved. The poet compares their heart to a ball driven by the beloved's whims, highlighting their utter surrender. The ghazal conveys themes of helplessness and longing, emphasizing that patience cannot cure the anguish of love. Saadi acknowledges both the beloved’s cruelty and grace, presenting them as the ultimate authority over the poet’s fate. The poem elevates the beloved’s beauty above all else, portraying their allure as unparalleled. Saadi concludes by urging seekers of love to endure hardship, as true connection with the beloved requires persistence and unwavering devotion.

English Translation for Ghazal

The one for whom my heart spins like a ball in the curve of their polo stick,
The gathering of free spirits is at the field where their game does click.

There is no escape from the lane of the beloved—none may leave,
For the chain that binds all feet lies within their disheveled tresses, we believe.

How often do the ignorant advise me patience for this pain?
O wise one, know that patience is no cure for my soul’s disdain.

Should they glance at this poor servant with grace, I am blessed,
But even if they do not, they are the ruler, and I am their guest.

If they strike me without fault, it is simply my fate’s decree,
And if they caress with kindness, that is the pinnacle of generosity.

I care not for gardens nor for cypresses to admire or seek,
For the only true cypress deserving of praise is their graceful physique.

How can one sit still when their heart is lost in yearning?
Or flee, when trapped in the prison of love, forever burning?

Blind are those who mock the bewilderment of love’s slaves,
For joy belongs only to those whom the beloved’s wonder enslaves.

None in the garden of time has seen a rose like you,
Especially when a nightingale like me sings in adoration so true.

Even if the skilled archers aim all their arrows at me,
What a pity to strike a nightingale that sings such melody.

Saadi, if you are a seeker, walk the path and endure the strife,
For the Kaaba of the beloved’s vision lies in the desert of patience and life.

متن غزل

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