The one who trampled me like dust on the road, Ghazal 361 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 51 1

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This ghazāl by Hafez expresses deep devotion and humility towards the beloved. The poet presents himself as a humble servant, willing to endure any hardship for the sake of his love.

Key Themes:

Devotion and humility: The poet expresses profound devotion and humility towards his beloved.
Love and longing: The poet's longing for his beloved is intense and all-consuming.
Spiritual journey: The poet's journey towards spiritual enlightenment is intertwined with his love for the beloved.
The tavern as a symbol: The tavern is used as a symbol of spiritual gathering and divine connection.

English Translation for Ghazal

The one who trampled me like dust on the road
I kiss the dust and beg forgiveness for their steps.

I am not one to complain of your cruelty, far from it
I am a faithful servant and seeker of your favor.

I have tied a long hope to the curl of your hair
May it never be that my hand is shortened from seeking.

I am a particle of dust, and your courtyard is a good place for me
I fear, O friend, that a sudden wind will carry me away.

The old man of the tavern gave me the world-seeing cup at dawn
And in that mirror, he made me aware of your beauty.

I am a Sufi of the monastery of the sacred world, but
Now the tavern is my refuge.

Rise up with me, the wayfarer, and come to the tavern
So that you may see in that circle what a high position I hold.

You passed by drunk, and you had no thought for Hafez
Alas, if my sigh catches the hem of your beauty.

I was pleased that the King of the East said at dawn
With all his kingship, he is a slave to his beloved.

متن غزل

آن که پامالِ جفا کرد چو خاکِ راهم

خاک می‌بوسم و عُذرِ قَدَمَش می‌خواهم


من نه آنم که ز جورِ تو بِنالم، حاشا

بندهٔ معتقد و چاکرِ دولتخواهم


بسته‌ام در خَمِ گیسویِ تو امّیدِ دراز

آن مبادا که کُنَد دستِ طلب کوتاهم


ذَرّهٔ خاکم و در کویِ توام جای خوش است

ترسم ای دوست که بادی بِبَرَد ناگاهم


پیرِ میخانه سَحَر جامِ جهان‌بینم داد

و اندر آن آینه از حُسنِ تو کرد آگاهم


صوفیِ صومعهٔ عالَمِ قُدسَم لیکن

حالیا دیرِ مُغان است حوالتگاهم


با منِ راه‌نشین خیز و سوی میکده آی

تا در آن حلقه ببینی که چه صاحب جاهم


مست بگذشتی و از حافظت اندیشه نبود

آه اگر دامنِ حُسنِ تو بگیرد آهم


خوشم آمد که سحر خسروِ خاور می‌گفت

با همه پادشهی بندهٔ تورانشاهم

@hamed Oct. 8, 2024, 5:50 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

مِی: Wine
صومعه: Monastery

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.