The separation between us has exceeded all bounds, O friend. Ghazal 103 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 53 0

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This ghazal by Saadi is a poignant expression of love, devotion, and longing. The poet portrays a love so profound that even separation cannot diminish his loyalty. Saadi emphasizes his willingness to sacrifice everything—his life, reputation, and even his patience—for the beloved. He vividly describes the agony of unfulfilled love, the relentless sorrow it brings, and his enduring hope for reunion, even beyond death. The poem intertwines themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and unshakable love, illustrating the depth of Saadi’s poetic mastery and emotional insight.

English Translation for Ghazal

The separation between us has exceeded all bounds, O friend.
Come back, come back, for I am your servant, O friend.

If the whole world turns against me for your sake,
I will welcome the sword of death but never let you go, O friend.

My head is ready to face the blame of critics—what fear should I have,
Even if enemies speak ill of me behind my back, O friend?

Your graceful walk could ruin the world with its charm,
And if you thirst for the blood of the wounded, I am here, O friend.

So deeply marked am I by the pain of your love,
That even if death comes, by my faith they would seek your blood price, O friend.

Keep your promise of loyalty and leave cruelty behind,
For I swear I am not one of those disloyal companions, O friend.

Even if you return a thousand years after my death,
From the dust I would cry out in joy, “Welcome back, O friend!”

Your sorrow raised its hand and spilled the blood of my eyes,
Do not make me raise my hands in prayer against you, O friend.

If you came to drink my blood, then rise and do so;
If you came to steal my heart, then come closer, O friend.

Be gentle with me, your weak and ailing lover,
Show mercy on this destitute and poor soul, O friend.

If you do not hear Saadi’s words, what can he do?
For he cannot share his heart’s tale with your enemies, O friend.

متن غزل

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