The Sufi learned the hidden secret from the radiance of wine. Ghazal 48 by Hafez

The Sufi learned the hidden secret from the radiance of wine. Ghazal 48 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 01, 2024

The Sufi learned the hidden secret from the radiance of wine. Ghazal 48 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

صوفی از پرتو مِی رازِ نهانی دانست

گوهرِ هر کس از این لعل، توانی دانست


قدر مجموعهٔ گل، مرغِ سَحَر داند و بس

که نه هر کو ورقی خواند، معانی دانست


عرضه کردم دو جهان بر دلِ کاراُفتاده

بجز از عشقِ تو باقی همه فانی دانست


آن شد اکنون که ز اَبنایِ عَوام اندیشم

مُحتَسِب نیز در این عیشِ نهانی دانست


دلبر، آسایش ما مَصلحتِ وقت ندید

ور نه از جانبِ ما دل‌نگرانی دانست


سنگ و گِل را کُنَد از یُمنِ نظر لعل و عقیق

هر که قَدرِ نفسِ بادِ یمانی دانست


ای که از دفترِ عقل، آیت عشق آموزی

ترسم این نکته به تَحقیق ندانی دانست


می بیاور که ننازد به گلِ باغِ جهان

هر که غارتگریِ بادِ خزانی دانست


حافظ این گوهرِ مَنظوم که از طَبع اَنگیخت

زَ اثرِ تربیتِ آصِفِ ثانی دانست



English Translation:

The Sufi learned the hidden secret from the radiance of wine,
Recognizing the worth of everyone from this ruby.

Only the morning bird knows the value of a garden full of flowers,
Not everyone who reads a page understands its meanings.

I offered both worlds to my weary heart,
And it recognized everything except your love as fleeting.

Now that I think about the common people,
Even the moral police knows about this secret pleasure.

My beloved did not consider our comfort and convenience,
Or else he would have known about my heartache.

He who knows the value of the breath of the Yemen wind
Can turn stone and mud into ruby and agate by the grace of his gaze.

O you who teach the verse of love from the book of reason,
I fear you do not truly understand this point.

Bring wine so that no one can boast of the garden's flower,
Whoever understands the plundering of the autumn wind.

Hafez, this poetic gem that sprang from my nature,
I learned from the training of the second Asaf.

@hamed Aug. 1, 2024, 6:34 a.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of spirituality, love, and the transience of worldly affairs. He often uses wine as a metaphor for divine love and spiritual enlightenment.

@hamed Aug. 1, 2024, 6:34 a.m.

Key Themes:

Spiritual Seeking: The poet suggests that true spiritual enlightenment can be found through wine and love, rather than through strict religious practices.
Criticism of Religious Authority: Hafez criticizes the hypocrisy of religious scholars who condemn pleasure.
The Wisdom of the Tavern: The poet elevates the tavern to a place of spiritual and intellectual enlightenment.
Love as the Ultimate Truth: The poet suggests that love is the only thing that truly matters in life.

@hamed Aug. 1, 2024, 6:34 a.m.

Key Persian terms and their nuances:

صوفی: Sufi, a Muslim mystic
لعل: Ruby, often used as a metaphor for a beloved or a precious thing
محتسب: Moral police
آصف: A wise and just minister in the court of Solomon, often used as a symbol of wisdom

@hamed Aug. 1, 2024, 6:34 a.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep philosophical thoughts with a celebration of life's pleasures. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a rich tapestry of meaning.