There is escape from everything, yet no escape from the beloved, Ghazal 96 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 30 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi masterfully portrays the inescapable bond between a lover and the beloved. He reflects on the futility of seeking an alternative to true love, as nothing in the world, not even the pleasures of paradise, can compare to the beloved. Saadi highlights the lover’s total surrender, expressing gratitude even for the hardships imposed by the beloved. He rejects the idea of substitutes or equals, emphasizing the beloved’s singularity and incomparable value. The poet concludes with a message of patience and acceptance, asserting that genuine love cannot coexist with lamentation or discontent. This ghazal embodies themes of devotion, humility, and unwavering loyalty to the beloved.

English Translation for Ghazal

There is escape from everything, yet no escape from the beloved,
Take the advice of all—never withdraw your heart from the beloved.

If they accept you in servitude and humility,
Be grateful, for such grace is the greatest favor from the beloved.

If the world offers you everything in place of the beloved,
Do not consent, for such gifts are mere trifles compared to the beloved.

The world, all it contains, and even the pleasures of paradise,
Are no blessings that can console the impoverished soul away from the beloved.

Even if they accept your devotion, mere gratitude will not suffice,
For even in ruin, you owe thanks for the favor of the beloved.

I, whose eyes are set on the vision of the beloved,
It would be a sin to close them, even to shield from the beloved’s arrow.

If escape from love could somehow become possible,
Where could I go, for there is no escape from the beloved?

A captive of enemies can be freed in some way,
But a captive of the beloved cannot be ransomed away.

What thought or image could replace the beloved within my heart?
I still haven’t freed my soul from the beloved’s grasp.

You are matchless, and even if a likeness could exist,
I would never seek a substitute or an equal for the beloved.

Saadi, preserve the beloved’s pleasure and endure with patience,
For true love does not consist of complaints or cries against the beloved.

متن غزل

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