There is none on earth comparable to you, Ghazal 126 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 48 0

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This ghazal by Saadi celebrates the beauty and charm of the beloved, portraying them as unparalleled in the world. The poet compares their radiance to the moon and their elegance to the cypress, only to declare that none measures up to their magnificence. Saadi describes how the beloved captures every heart with their beauty, leaving no room for others. The ghazal ends with a touch of longing and humility, as the poet laments that while the world is consumed by love, the beloved remains unaware of his devotion. It reflects themes of admiration, love’s universality, and unrequited longing.

English Translation for Ghazal

There is none on earth comparable to you,
Even the moon is not as radiant as your face.

I will not give my heart to the height and grace of the cypress,
For none is as pleasing as your elegant form.

In all the city, O arched-browed one,
I know no one who is not struck by your arrow.

No one else can capture hearts anymore,
For there is no heart that is not captive to you.

If you take someone like me, what can I do?
For in this world, there is no one like you.

It is clear that this heart, though strong as steel,
Is unworthy of your chest, soft as silk.

The whole world is consumed by the game of love,
Yet Saadi’s name has not entered your heart.

متن غزل

نه خود اندر زمین نظیر تو نیست

که قمر چون رخ منیر تو نیست


ندهم دل به قد و قامت سرو

که چو بالای دلپذیر تو نیست


در همه شهر ای کمان‌ابرو

کس ندانم که صید تیر تو نیست


دل مردم دگر کسی نبرد

که دلی نیست کان اسیر تو نیست


گر بگیری نظیر‌ من چه کنم‌؟

که مرا در جهان نظیر تو نیست


ظاهر آنست کان دل چو حدید

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