There is something between you and me, no doubt, Ghazal 108 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 50 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi is a profound expression of unyielding love and devotion to the beloved. The poem highlights the intensity of Saadi’s feelings, where the beloved’s presence or absence does not diminish the constancy of his affection. Saadi beautifully intertwines spiritual and physical imagery, comparing the beloved's form to cosmic elements like the moon and the Day of Judgment, symbolizing perfection and awe. The beloved is portrayed as unparalleled, transcending even the world’s natural wonders. Saadi concludes by acknowledging the spiritual nature of this love, emphasizing that the path to union with the beloved cannot be measured or bartered, as it belongs to the realm of the soul, beyond earthly value. The ghazal reflects Saadi’s eloquent mastery of blending earthly love with a deeper, spiritual longing.

English Translation for Ghazal

There is something between you and me, no doubt,
Otherwise, there are many beautiful faces in the world about.

My existence melts with the fire of your love,
Though my being fades, your love still reigns above.

Do not imagine that my heart will lose its madness,
Till my very bones crumble into the earth’s vastness.

If you sit before me, my heart finds peace,
And if you are absent, your image does not cease.

The beauty you hold cannot be fully described,
Yet I’ll try to speak, as long as my tongue is alive.

Is it your stature, or is it the Day of Judgment?
For who can say that such a tall cypress walks with such grace and movement?

I could say you resemble the moon’s glowing light,
But I do not believe the moon has such lips, so sweet and bright.

I will not bow my head before anyone but you,
If there is no pillow, your doorstep will do.

Saadi, move on, for the path to union with the beloved,
Is no marketplace where a soul’s worth is valued and measured.

متن غزل

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