There's no one who isn't captivated by those twin locks of yours: Ghazal 69 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 31 4

کس نیست که افتادهٔ آن زلفِ دوتا نیست

در رهگذرِ کیست که دامی ز بلا نیست


چون چشمِ تو دل می‌برد از گوشه نشینان

همراهِ تو بودن گُنَه از جانب ما نیست


روی تو مگر آینهٔ لطفِ الهیست

حقا که چنین است و در این روی و ریا نیست


نرگس طلبد شیوهٔ چشمِ تو، زهی چشم

مسکین خبرش از سر و، در دیده حیا نیست


از بهرِ خدا زلف مَپیرای که ما را

شب نیست که صد عربده با بادِ صبا نیست


بازآی که بی روی تو ای شمعِ دل افروز

در بزمِ حریفان، اثرِ نور و صفا نیست


تیمارِ غریبان اثرِ ذکرِ جمیل است

جانا مگر این قاعده در شهرِ شما نیست؟


دی می‌شد و گفتم صنما عهد به جای آر

گفتا غلطی خواجه در این عهد وفا نیست


گر پیر مغان مرشدِ من شد چه تفاوت

در هیچ سری نیست که سِرّی ز خدا نیست


عاشق چه کُنَد گر نَکِشَد بارِ ملامت

با هیچ دلاور سپرِ تیرِ قضا نیست


در صومعهٔ زاهد و در خلوتِ صوفی

جز گوشهٔ ابروی تو محرابِ دعا نیست


ای چنگ فروبرده به خونِ دلِ حافظ

فکرت مگر از غیرتِ قرآن و خدا نیست



English Translation:

There's no one who isn't captivated by those twin locks of yours,
Who passes by without being ensnared by misfortune?

Since your eyes steal hearts from the solitary,
Being with you isn't a sin on our part.

Your face must be a mirror of divine grace,
Indeed, it is so, and there's no hypocrisy in this face.

The narcissus seeks the style of your eye, what an eye!
The poor flower knows nothing of pride and shyness in its gaze.

For God's sake, don't braid your hair, for we have
No night without a hundred cries with the morning breeze.

Return, for without your face, O flame of my heart,
In the gathering of friends, there's no trace of light and purity.

Caring for strangers is the effect of a beautiful remembrance,
My dear, isn't this a rule in your city?

Yesterday I said, "My beloved, keep your promise,"
She said, "O master, you're mistaken, there's no loyalty in this promise."

If the old magician became my guide, what difference would it make?
There's no secret in any head that isn't from God.

What can a lover do if they don't bear the burden of blame?
No brave heart is a shield against the arrows of fate.

In the monastery of the ascetic and in the solitude of the Sufi,
Nothing but the corner of your eyebrow is a place of prayer.

O lute, plunged into the blood of Hafez's heart,
Your thought is surely not without the zeal of the Quran and God.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@hamed Aug. 4, 2024, 3:02 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, divine beauty, and the complexities of human experience. He uses vivid imagery and paradoxical statements to convey deeper meanings.

@hamed Aug. 4, 2024, 3:02 p.m.

Key Themes:

Divine Love: The beloved is often seen as a symbol of the divine, and the poet's love for them is spiritual.
The Power of Beauty: The poet emphasizes the irresistible power of the beloved's beauty.
The Lover's Dilemma: Hafez explores the complexities of love, including the pain of separation and the challenges of pursuing a beloved.
Sufi Themes: The ghazal alludes to Sufi concepts of love, divine union, and the journey of the soul.

@hamed Aug. 4, 2024, 3:02 p.m.

Key Persian terms and their nuances:

زلف: Locks of hair
گوشه نشینان: Solitary people
نرگس: Narcissus (flower)
عربده: Cry, clamor
صبا: Morning breeze
صوفی: Sufi
محراب: Niche in a mosque for prayer

@hamed Aug. 4, 2024, 3:02 p.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep philosophical thoughts with a celebration of love. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a rich tapestry of meaning.