This reckless old man is delighted with youth, Ghazal 10 from Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 56 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi Shirazi contemplates the allure of youth and the wisdom of embracing the present. The poet, despite his age, feels a youthful attraction and finds himself powerless before the beauty and allure of his beloved, whose presence overcomes him as effortlessly as an arrow finds its target. Saadi warns the young to cherish the fleeting days of youth and to seize opportunities, as delaying brings regret. He reflects on life’s limitations, noting that while one can resolve many issues, destiny remains beyond control. The ghazal ends with Saadi’s humility before his beloved, acknowledging that even complete devotion still requires seeking forgiveness for inevitable shortcomings. This piece captures a timeless reflection on love, youth, fate, and human frailty.

English Translation for Ghazal

This reckless old man is delighted with youth,
It is foolishness for an elder to contend with the young.

Though I can barely resist even a single strand, how strange,
That I have fallen for one who can break every chain.

When that silver-bodied, cypress-shaped figure bends the bow,
I wish to become the target for that arrow.

The prey will willingly walk into the snare
When it sees the hand and bow that have drawn it in.

No one has ever heard words as sweet as yours,
Did you drink sugar with your mother’s milk instead of ordinary milk?

The marketplace of youth lasts no more than a few days,
Value the present, young one, for delay brings loss.

You who advised me to turn my gaze from the beautiful,
I can find a cure for anything but destiny.

For so long, we showed piety while hiding disbelief,
But now the veil has lifted, and all deceit is gone.

Saadi, even if you lay down your life in service to the beloved,
You must still ask forgiveness for your failings.

متن غزل

با جوانی سر خوش است این پیر بی تدبیر را

جهل باشد با جوانان پنجه کردن پیر را


من که با مویی به قوّت برنیایم ای عجب

با یکی افتاده‌ام کو بُگسلد زنجیر را


چون کمان در بازو آرد سروقدِ سیم‌تن

آرزویم می‌کند کآماج باشم تیر را


می‌رود تا در کمند افتد به پای خویشتن

گر بر آن دست و کمان چشم اوفتد نخجیر را


کس ندیدست آدمیزاد از تو شیرین‌تر سخن

شِکَّر از پستانِ مادر خورده‌ای یا شیر را


روزِ بازارِ جوانی پنج روزی بیش نیست

نقد را باش ای پسر کآفت بود تأخیر را


ای که گفتی دیده از دیدارِ بُت‌رویان بدوز

هر چه گویی چاره دانم کرد جز تقدیر را


زهد پیدا، کفر پنهان، بود چندین روزگار

پرده از سر برگرفتیم آن همه تزویر را


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