This robe I wear is pawned for the first wine, Ghazal 466 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 35 1

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In this ghazāl, Hafez presents a self-deprecating and humorous image of himself as a carefree and somewhat rebellious individual. He contrasts the spiritual path with the pleasures of worldly life, often choosing the latter.

Key Themes:

Wine and revelry: The poet celebrates the pleasures of wine and revelry.
Spiritual vs. worldly life: Hafez explores the conflict between spiritual pursuits and worldly desires.
Self-deprecation and humor: The poet uses self-deprecating humor to create a relatable and engaging persona.

English Translation for Ghazal

This robe I wear is pawned for the first wine
And this meaningless book is drowned in the first pure wine

Since I've ruined my life so much by looking
I've fallen into a ruined corner of a tavern

Since prudent thinking is far from a dervish
My heart is full of fire and my eyes full of tears

I will not tell people about the state of a saint
If I tell this story, it will be with a lute and a rebab

Until the order of the heavens is completely disrupted
I have the desire for a cupbearer and wine in my hand

I will not, truly, give up my heart for someone like you
How could I bear the burden of those flowing locks?

Hafez, since you've grown old, come out of the tavern
Leave your roguery and flirtation to the time of youth

متن غزل

این خرقه که من دارم در رهن شراب اولی

وین دفتر بی‌معنی غرق می ناب اولی


چون عمر تبه کردم چندان که نگه کردم

در کنج خراباتی افتاده خراب اولی


چون مصلحت اندیشی دور است ز درویشی

هم سینه پر از آتش هم دیده پرآب اولی


من حالت زاهد را با خلق نخواهم گفت

این قصه اگر گویم با چنگ و رباب اولی


تا بی سر و پا باشد اوضاع فلک زین دست

در سر هوس ساقی در دست شراب اولی


از همچو تو دلداری دل برنکنم آری

چون تاب کشم باری زان زلف به تاب اولی


چون پیر شدی حافظ از میکده بیرون آی

رندی و هوسناکی در عهد شباب اولی

@hamed Oct. 12, 2024, 6:22 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

Kharqah: robe, often associated with dervishes or religious figures
Kharabat: tavern, a place of revelry
Mصلحت اندیشی: prudent thinking, foresight
درویشی: dervish, a wandering ascetic
چنگ و رباب: lute and rebab, traditional Persian musical instruments

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.