Those preachers who make such a show in the prayer niche and pulpit, Ghazal 199 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 34 4

واعظان کاین جلوه در محراب و منبر می‌کنند

چون به خلوت می‌روند آن کارِ دیگر می‌کنند!


مشکلی دارم، زِ دانشمندِ مجلس بازپرس

توبه‌فرمایان، چرا خود توبه کم‌تر می‌کنند؟


گوییا باور نمی‌دارند روزِ داوری

کاین همه قَلب و دَغَل در کارِ داور می‌کنند


یارب این نُودولَتان را با خَرِ خودْشان نشان

کاین همه ناز از غلامِ تُرک و اَسْتَر می‌کنند


ای گدای خانِقَه، بَرْجَه که در دیرِ مُغان

می‌دهند آبی که دل‌ها را توانگر می‌کنند


حُسنِ بی‌پایان او، چندان که عاشق می‌کُشد

زمرهٔ دیگر به عشق از غیب سَر بَر می‌کنند


بر درِ میخانهٔ عشق ای مَلَک، تسبیح گوی

کاَندر آنجا، طینَتِ آدم مُخَمَّر می‌کنند


صبحدم از عرش می‌آمد خروشی، عقل گفت

قُدسیان گویی که شعرِ حافظ از بَر می‌کنند



English Translation:

Those preachers who make such a show in the prayer niche and pulpit,
When they go into private, they do something else entirely!

I have a question, ask the wise of the assembly:
Why do those who call others to repentance repent so little themselves?

It seems they don't believe in the Day of Judgment,
For they play such games with hearts and deceit in the court of the Judge.

O Lord, show these hypocrites with their own donkey,
For they make such a fuss over Turkish and Armenian slaves.

O beggar of the monastery, rise up, for in the monastery of the Magi,
They give a water that enriches hearts.

His endless beauty kills so many lovers,
Another group raise their heads from the unseen out of love.

O angel, recite your rosary at the door of the wine house,
For there, the nature of Adam is intoxicated.

At dawn, a cry came from the heavens, and Reason said,
The celestial beings seem to be memorizing Hafez's poetry.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@hamed Sept. 5, 2024, 1:27 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez criticizes the hypocrisy of religious leaders and praises the transformative power of love. He uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his message.

@hamed Sept. 5, 2024, 1:27 p.m.

Key Themes:

Hypocrisy: Hafez criticizes the hypocrisy of religious leaders who preach morality but fail to practice it themselves.
The Power of Love: The poet extols the transformative power of love, which can transcend religious boundaries and social norms.
Mysticism: Hafez uses mystical imagery to describe the spiritual journey of the lover.

@hamed Sept. 5, 2024, 1:28 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

واعظ: Preacher
نُودولَتان: Hypocrites
مغان: Magi, ancient Persian priests associated with fire worship
قُدسیان: Celestial beings

@hamed Sept. 5, 2024, 1:28 p.m.

This ghazal is a powerful critique of hypocrisy and a celebration of the transformative power of love. Hafez uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his message.