Those who change dust to gold with a glance, Ghazal 196 by Hafez
By @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 6 4
آنان که خاک را به نظر کیمیا کنند
آیا بُوَد که گوشهٔ چشمی به ما کنند
دَردَم نهفته بِه ز طبیبانِ مدعی
باشد که از خزانهٔ غیبم دوا کنند
معشوق چون نقاب ز رخ در نمیکشد
هر کس حکایتی به تَصوّر چرا کنند؟
چون حُسنِ عاقبت نه به رندی و زاهدیست
آن بِه که کارِ خود به عنایت رها کنند
بی معرفت مباش که در من یزیدِ عشق
اهلِ نظر معامله با آشنا کنند
حالی درونِ پرده بسی فتنه میرود
تا آن زمان که پرده برافتد چهها کنند
گر سنگ از این حدیث بنالد عجب مدار
صاحبدلان حکایتِ دل خوش ادا کنند
مِی خور که صد گناه ز اغیار در حجاب
بهتر ز طاعتی که به روی و ریا کنند
پیراهنی که آید از او بویِ یوسفم
ترسم برادران غَیورش قَبا کنند
بگذر به کویِ میکده تا زُمرِهٔ حضور
اوقاتِ خود ز بهر تو صرفِ دعا کنند
پنهان ز حاسدان به خودم خوان که مُنعِمان
خیرِ نهان برایِ رضایِ خدا کنند
حافظ دوامِ وصل میسر نمیشود
شاهان کم التفات به حالِ گدا کنند
English Translation:
Those who change dust to gold with a glance,
Will they perhaps glance at us?
My pain is better hidden from the pretentious physicians,
Perhaps they will find a cure from the treasury of the unseen.
Since the beloved doesn’t remove the veil from her face,
Why does everyone make up stories in their imagination?
Since beauty is ultimately neither in revelry nor asceticism,
It is better to leave one’s affairs to divine grace.
Don’t be ignorant, for in me is the Yazid of love,
People of insight deal with the familiar.
There is much turmoil hidden behind this curtain,
Who knows what they will do when the curtain is lifted?
Don’t be surprised if the stone laments this tale,
Those with hearts recite tales of joy.
Drink wine, for a hundred sins hidden from others
Are better than worship done with hypocrisy.
A garment that bears the scent of Yusuf,
I fear my jealous brothers will seize.
Pass by the tavern so that the assembly of the present
May spend their time in prayer for you.
Hidden from the envious, I say to myself, those who forbid,
Do good deeds secretly for the sake of God.
Hafez, lasting union is not possible,
Kings pay little attention to the state of beggars.
English Translation for Ghazal
متن غزل
Explanation of the Ghazal
In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, divine grace, and the complexities of human relationships. He uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his feelings.
Key Themes:
Unrequited Love: The central theme is the poet's unrequited love and the suffering it causes.
Divine Grace: Hafez emphasizes the importance of divine grace and the futility of human efforts.
Hypocrisy: The poet criticizes the hypocrisy of those who claim to be spiritual but lack true understanding.
Key Persian terms and nuances:
کیمیا: Alchemy, transformation of base metals into gold, symbolizing spiritual transformation
یزید: A historical figure known for his cruelty, here used metaphorically to represent the intensity of the poet's love
یوسف: A biblical prophet, often used as a symbol of beauty and perfection