To see the flaws of friends and companions is a virtue, Ghazal 65 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 38 0

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This ghazal by Saadi explores themes of love, devotion, and the spiritual journey toward the beloved. The poet reflects on the enduring mark of love in the heart, the ineffable beauty of the beloved, and the transformative power of love that unites scattered souls. Saadi contrasts the transience of the material world with the timeless, ever-present yearning for the beloved. The poem is a celebration of the beloved’s ineffable nature and a meditation on the humble devotion and surrender required to reach divine closeness.

English Translation for Ghazal


To see the flaws of friends and companions is a virtue,
But the words of enemies hold no credibility.

The seal of love will never leave our hearts,
O brother, for its mark is carved in stone.

What can one say about the delicacy of the beloved?
Whatever I say, it is more refined than that.

The one who is the aim of our eyes and hearts,
I cannot say if they are the sun or the moon.

Let everyone speak of their own state,
O brother, for our state is unlike any other.

You who spent the whole night asleep,
What can you know of the nightingale’s dawn song?

A person without the soul of meaning
Is, in truth, a fruitless tree.

We, the scattered ones, are united,
Our beloved is absent, yet ever in sight.

A fresh leaf can dry in an instant,
Yet the leaves of our eyes are forever moist.

My sweet life is sacrificed for the company of the beloved,
Though I am ashamed that this is too little an offering.

Even this much is far beneath their worth,
But within the limits of our ability, it is all we can give.

One cannot conceal themselves with a veil,
O brother, for love tears every veil apart.

Saadi, though he has found the closeness of the beloved's court,
Remains bewildered and unaware in its presence.

We have bowed our heads in submission,
Awaiting what decree our Lord may deliver.

متن غزل

عیب یاران و دوستان هنر است

سخن دشمنان نه معتبر است


مُهر مِهر از درون ما نرود

ای برادر که نقش بر حجر است


چه توان گفت در لطافت دوست

هر چه گویم از آن لطیف‌تر است


آن که منظور دیده و دل ماست

نتوان گفت شمس یا قمر است


هر کسی گو به حال خود باشید

ای برادر که حال ما دگر است


تو که در خواب بوده‌ای همه شب

چه نصیبت ز بلبل سحر است


آدمی را که جان معنی نیست

در حقیقت درخت بی‌ثمر است


ما پراکندگان مجموعیم

یار ما غایب است و در نظر است


برگ تر خشک می‌شود به زمان

برگ چشمان ما همیشه تر است


جان شیرین فدای صحبت یار

شرم دارم که نیک مختصر است


این قدر دون قدر اوست ولیک

حد امکان ما همین قدر است


پرده بر خود نمی‌توان پوشید

ای برادر که عشق پرده در است


سعدی از بارگاه قربت دوست

تا خبر یافته‌ست بی‌خبر است


ما سر اینک نهاده‌ایم به طوع

تا خداوندگار را چه سر است