Tonight, the gathering of mystics glows from your face’s light, Ghazal 11 from Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 52 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi Shirazi revels in the joy and beauty of a beloved who captivates his heart. He celebrates the gathering of mystics, illuminated by the radiance of the beloved’s presence, but cautions against letting others know of such an enchanting gathering. Saadi also admires the power of beauty combined with a sweet voice, likening the beloved's eyes and brows to arrows aimed at his heart, and marvels at the captivating allure that can shake even the city of Shiraz. Finally, he expresses his own longing, describing himself as a caged bird, yearning to break free and soar. This ghazal captures the ecstasy of love, the allure of beauty, and the deep yearning for freedom.

English Translation for Ghazal

In a time of joy, I found that flirtatious beloved of mine,
Cupbearer, bring the wine, musician, play that tune.

Tonight, the gathering of mystics glows from your face’s light—
But quietly, lest the watchers of beauty not learn of it.

Young man, you drank last night; your eyes give it away.
At least find a friend who can guard your secret well.

A lovely face and a sweet voice each hold their own delight—
Imagine the joy in one who has both beauty and song.

Turkish eyes and arched brows shoot arrows at my soul.
O Lord, who gave this archer that bow to strike hearts?

It’s a shame to keep the turmoil of love for her hidden—
Whisper it to the reed, and let it lift up the tune.

Shiraz is in an uproar from the mischief of your beautiful eyes,
I fear that your sweet riot may disrupt the city itself.

I am like a small bird with clipped wings, confined in a cage—
If you would break open the cage, I would surely take flight.

متن غزل

وقت طرب خوش یافتم آن دلبر طناز را
ساقی بیار آن جام می، مطرب بزن آن ساز را

امشب که بزم عارفان از شمع رویت روشن است
آهسته تا نبود خبر رندان شاهدباز را

دوش ای پسر می خورده‌ای چشمت گواهی می‌دهد
باری حریفی جو که او مستور دارد راز را

روی خوش و آواز خوش دارند هر یک لذتی
بنگر که لذت چون بود! محبوب خوش‌آواز را

چشمان ترک و ابروان جان را به ناوک می‌زنند
یا رب که داده‌ست این کمان آن ترک تیرانداز را !؟

شور غم عشقش چنین حیف است پنهان داشتن
در گوش نی رمزی بگو تا برکشد آواز را

شیرازْ پرغوغا شده‌ست از فتنه‌ی چشم خوشت
ترسم که آشوبِ خوشت برهم زند شیراز را

من مرغکی پربسته‌ام زان در قفس بنشسته‌ام
گر زان که بشکستی قفس بنمودمی پرواز را