Tonight, truly, our night shines as bright as day, Ghazal 78 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 30 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi celebrates the joy of union with the beloved, portraying it as a radiant and divine experience. Saadi uses vivid imagery to depict the beloved’s allure, comparing their presence to heavenly breezes and fragrant gardens. The poem reflects the poet’s deep devotion, as he places service to the beloved above all else. Saadi also highlights the struggles of love—rivals, scorn, and longing—yet he remains steadfast in his affection. The poem concludes with the notion that love, like light through glass, cannot be hidden, emphasizing its transparency and purity. This ghazal intertwines themes of longing, loyalty, and the transformative power of love.

English Translation for Ghazal

Tonight, truly, our night shines as bright as day,
The festival of union with the beloved defies all foes on its way.

Is it the breeze of paradise, the scent of a garden fair,
The fragrance of your lips, or the musk of labdanum in the air?

Nothing in this world is dearer than your grace,
Neither my eyes in my head nor my soul in its place.

I bow to serve you, lend my ear to your decree,
For my heart hovers in devotion to your word and majesty.

O king, do not withhold your shadow from the humble and poor,
For even the gleaner thrives where the harvest is secure.

Far from you, the world feels narrow and confined,
To the narrow-hearted, the vast world is a needle’s eye defined.

The lover cannot flee, for the hand of longing binds,
Wherever they go, your garment’s hem entwines.

Shirin does not leave her home without a rival near,
Sugar knows it needs a fan to keep the flies clear.

The rival’s torment and the scorn of others weigh not on me,
Their taunts are as hollow as a drum in the village spree.

Even the king’s falcons envy this hunt’s delight,
For the royal falcon—Saadi’s heart—finds its perch in your sight.

How long can a tender heart conceal the tale of love?
Whatever you cover with glass remains clear to see above.

متن غزل

امشب به راستی شب ما روز روشن است

عید وصال دوست علی رغم دشمن است


باد بهشت می‌گذرد یا نسیم باغ

یا نکهت دهان تو یا بوی لادن است


هرگز نباشد از تن و جانت عزیزتر

چشمم که در سرست و روانم که در تن است


گردن نهم به خدمت و گوشت کنم به قول

تا خاطرم معلق آن گوش و گردن است


ای پادشاه سایه ز درویش وامگیر

ناچار خوشه چین بود آن جا که خرمن است


دور از تو در جهان فراخم مجال نیست

عالم به چشم تنگ دلان چشم سوزن است


عاشق گریختن نتواند که دست شوق

هر جا که می‌رود متعلق به دامن است


شیرین به در نمی‌رود از خانه بی رقیب

داند شکر که دفع مگس بادبیزن است


جور رقیب و سرزنش اهل روزگار

با من همان حکایت گاو دهل‌زن است


بازان شاه را حسد آید بدین شکار

کان شاهباز را دل سعدی نشیمن است


قلب رقیق چند بپوشد حدیث عشق

هرچ آن به آبگینه بپوشی مبین است