We, carefree drunks, have lost our hearts, Ghazal 364 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 56 1

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This ghazāl by Hafez explores the themes of love, loss, and the spiritual journey. The poet presents himself and his companions as lovers who have sacrificed much for their love.

Key Themes:

Love and devotion: The poet expresses deep devotion and love for his beloved.
Spiritual journey: The poet's journey towards spiritual enlightenment is often associated with the path of love.
Suffering for love: The poet and his companions have endured suffering for the sake of their love.
Wine as a symbol: Wine is often used as a metaphor for spiritual intoxication and divine connection.

English Translation for Ghazal

We, carefree drunks, have lost our hearts
We are the secrets of love and the breath of the wine cup.

Many a bow of blame has been drawn against us
Until we have opened our hearts with the beloved's eyebrow.

O flower, you bore the heat of the morning breeze yesterday
We are those tulips born with a wound.

If the old Magian is tired of our repentance
Tell him to pour pure wine, for we are standing by.

Our affairs are ruined, help us, O guide of the path
For we have acted justly and strayed from the path.

Like a tulip, see the wine and the cup in the midst of things
See this wound that we have placed on our bleeding heart.

You said, "Hafez, what is all this color and imagination?"
Do not see a false image, for we are the same simple tablet.

متن غزل

ما بی غمانِ مستِ دل از دست داده‌ایم

هم‌رازِ عشق و هم‌نفسِ جامِ باده‌ایم


بر ما بسی کمانِ ملامت کشیده‌اند

تا کارِ خود ز ابرویِ جانان گشاده‌ایم


ای گُل تو دوش داغِ صَبوحی کشیده‌ای

ما آن شقایقیم که با داغ زاده‌ایم


پیرِ مُغان ز توبهٔ ما گر ملول شد

گو باده صاف کن که به عذر ایستاده‌ایم


کار از تو می‌رود، مددی ای دلیلِ راه

کانصاف می‌دهیم و ز راه اوفتاده‌ایم


چون لاله مِی مبین و قَدَح در میانِ کار

این داغ بین که بر دلِ خونین نهاده‌ایم


گفتی که حافظ این همه رنگ و خیال چیست

نقشِ غلط مَبین که همان لوحِ ساده‌ایم

@hamed Oct. 9, 2024, 6:37 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

مِی: Wine
مغان: Magians (Zoroastrian priests), often used to refer to wine servers or spiritual guides.
Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.