What hearts you’ve stolen, O cupbearer, with your enticing stride, Ghazal 38 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 54 0

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This ghazal by Saadi explores themes of love, temptation, and the power of beauty to disrupt peace and reason. The poet addresses the beloved, likened to a seductive cupbearer, whose allure steals hearts and defeats even the most rational minds. Saadi marvels at the beloved's ability to captivate and destabilize the world through their charm. The interplay of sweetness and cruelty adds to the irresistible nature of the beloved, leading Saadi to surrender to intoxication as an escape from futile resistance. The ghazal blends sensual and spiritual imagery, highlighting the overwhelming nature of love and desire.

English Translation for Ghazal

What hearts you’ve stolen, O cupbearer, with your enticing stride,
Alas, if only for a while, I could kiss your captivating side.

How long will your hidden glances release their fatal darts?
Reason has dropped its shield, pierced by your arrowed arts.

You mingle, then vanish; you show, then snatch away,
Oh, the anguish of your harshness, veiled in sweetness, astray.

If sweetness itself had heard your words of honeyed grace,
It would offer King Khosrow’s throne to honor your embrace.

The world might find a moment’s peace, free from chaos and despair,
Were it not for your riotous face and eyes that ensnare.

Who could desire sobriety again after the spell is cast,
When they’ve felt the morning embrace of your arms at last?

Drink deeply, Saadi, from the purest wine, and stay hushed,
For piety holds no place among revelers flushed.

متن غزل

چه دل‌ها بردی ای ساقی به ساق فتنه‌انگیزت

دریغا بوسه چندی بر زنخدان دلاویزت


خدنگ غمزه از هر سو نهان انداختن تا کی

سپر انداخت عقل از دست ناوک‌های خونریزت


برآمیزی و بگریزی و بنمایی و بربایی

فغان از قهر لطف‌اندود و زهر شکرآمیزت


لب شیرینت ار شیرین بدیدی در سخن گفتن

بر او شکرانه بودی گر بدادی ملک پرویزت


جهان از فتنه و آشوب یک چندی برآسودی

اگر نه روی شهرآشوب و چشم فتنه‌انگیزت


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چو بیند دست در آغوش مستان سحرخیزت


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