What intoxication is this? I don't know who brought it to us, Ghazal 145 by Hafez

What intoxication is this? I don't know who brought it to us, Ghazal 145 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 25, 2024

What intoxication is this? I don't know who brought it to us, Ghazal 145 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

چه مستی است؟ ندانم که رو به ما آورد

که بود ساقی و این باده از کجا آورد؟


تو نیز باده به چنگ آر و راهِ صحرا گیر

که مرغ نغمه‌سُرا سازِ خوش‌نوا آورد


دلا چو غنچه شکایت ز کارِ بسته مَکُن

که بادِ صبح نسیمِ گره‌گشا آورد


رسیدنِ گل و نسرین به خیر و خوبی باد

بنفشه شاد و کَش آمد، سَمَن صفا آورد


صبا به خوش‌خبریِ هُدهُدِ سلیمان است

که مژدهٔ طرب از گلشنِ سبا آورد


علاج ضعف دل ما کرشمهٔ ساقیست

برآر سر که طبیب آمد و دوا آورد


مریدِ پیرِ مُغانم ز من مرنج ای شیخ

چرا که وعده تو کردیّ و او به جا آورد


به تنگ‌چشمیِ آن تُرکِ لشکری نازم

که حمله بر منِ درویشِ یک قبا آورد


فلک غلامی حافظ کنون به طوع کُنَد

که اِلتِجا به درِ دولتِ شما آورد



English Translation:

What intoxication is this? I don't know who brought it to us,
Who was the cupbearer, and from where did he bring this wine?

You too, take a cup of wine and head out to the wilderness,
For the melodious bird has brought a sweet-sounding instrument.

O heart, don't complain about your closed state like a rosebud,
For the morning breeze has brought the wind of relief.

The arrival of the rose and jasmine is auspicious,
The violet is happy and has come, and the saffron has brought fragrance.

The gentle breeze is with the good news of Solomon's hoopoe,
Which has brought tidings of joy from the garden of Sheba.

The cure for the weakness of our heart is the coquetry of the cupbearer,
Lift your head, for the physician has come and brought the medicine.

O Sheikh, don't be angry with me, the disciple of the old magicians,
For you made a promise and he fulfilled it.

I am amazed at the narrow-mindedness of that military Turk,
Who attacked me, a dervish with only one robe.

The heavens now willingly serve Hafez,
For he has made a request at the door of your fortune.

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 8:17 a.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal
In this ghazal, Hafez expresses joy, hope, and gratitude. He celebrates the beauty of nature, the power of love, and the fulfillment of his desires.

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 8:17 a.m.

Key Themes:

Joy and Celebration: The poet expresses a sense of joy and celebration, inviting the reader to join him in this celebration.
Spiritual Ecstasy: The imagery of wine, the cupbearer, and the spiritual journey suggest a state of spiritual ecstasy.
Hope and Fulfillment: The poet expresses hope and gratitude for the fulfillment of his desires.

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 8:17 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

ساقی: Cupbearer, often used as a symbol of divine love.
هُدهُد سلیمان: Solomon's hoopoe, a bird mentioned in the Quran that was said to be able to communicate with Solomon.
مغان: Magicians, often associated with spiritual wisdom in Persian poetry.

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 8:17 a.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep emotional expression with rich imagery. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a vivid and evocative picture of the human experience.