What use is wisdom’s book to a carefree soul? Ghazal 20 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 50 0

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In this reflective ghazal, Saadi Shirazi contrasts the tension between rationality and the irrational nature of love. He portrays love as an all-consuming force, impossible to temper with logic or restraint. Saadi muses on the futility of a rational mind trying to sway a lover’s heart and celebrates the boundless devotion that disregards blame and embraces longing. The poem highlights the inner conflict between societal expectations and the lover’s drive toward self-abandonment for the beloved, showing how love defies logic, like water and fire refusing to coexist. Ultimately, the poem reflects a sense of eternity within a single night of longing, suggesting love’s timeless, untamed nature.

English Translation for Ghazal

What use is wisdom’s book to a carefree soul?
A restless heart cannot bear sermons or control.

If you command water and fire to unite,
Still, love and patience will not fuse despite the might.

A purpose of the eyes is to behold the beloved;
If they don’t see, then what’s the value of sight?

Why should lovers fear blame from friend or foe?
They only worry for the beloved or the shame love bestows.

All know I cherish the tender line of the face,
Unlike others, who love the plain fields or space.

I surrendered both heart and patience long ago,
When I became bound to that captivating soul.

Leave the cypress, with its stately grace and form;
Behold instead the elegance of a lover’s charm.

Turn me away, I’ll return—cast me off, I’ll reappear;
Like a fly drawn to a sweet, I cannot steer.

No one could add more to my praise or your beauty,
For speech and loveliness have reached their utmost duty.

Tonight, Saadi, the morning drum has not sounded,
As if day will not dawn on this night unbounded.

متن غزل

لاابالی چه کند دفتر دانایی را

طاقت وعظ نباشد سر سودایی را


آب را قول تو با آتش اگر جمع کند

نتواند که کند عشق و شکیبایی را


دیده را فایده آن است که دلبر بیند

ور نبیند چه بود فایده بینایی را


عاشقان را چه غم از سرزنش دشمن و دوست

یا غم دوست خورد یا غم رسوایی را


همه دانند که من سبزهٔ خط دارم دوست

نه چو دیگر حیوان سبزه صحرایی را


من همان روز دل و صبر به یغما دادم

که مقید شدم آن دلبر یغمایی را


سرو بگذار که قدی و قیامی دارد

گو ببین آمدن و رفتن رعنایی را


گر برانی نرود ور برود باز آید

ناگزیر است مگس دکه حلوایی را


بر حدیث من و حسن تو نیفزاید کس

حد همین است سخندانی و زیبایی را


سعدیا نوبتی امشب دهل صبح نکوفت

یا مگر روز نباشد شب تنهایی را