What visage is this before the caravan, Ghazal 81 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 30 0

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This ghazal by Saadi reflects themes of beauty, loyalty, and betrayal. The poet marvels at the celestial beauty of the beloved, likening her presence to heavenly and royal imagery, such as Solomon's throne or the moon in the sky. However, the tone shifts as Saadi laments the burden of unrequited love and the cruelty of a faithless beloved. He reflects on his own loyalty in contrast to the betrayal he has faced, highlighting the futility of wrestling with youthful passions in the twilight of life. The poem is a blend of admiration, grief, and resignation, capturing the complex emotions of love and loss.

English Translation for Ghazal

What visage is this before the caravan,
As if the camel driver holds a candle in hand?

It seems as though Solomon rides in the howdah,
With the breeze of dawn carrying his throne afar.

The beauty of a moonlike figure atop the heights,
Resembles the radiant moon in the sky at night.

A heavenly face concealed within the litter,
Like a tower with the sun shining at its center.

Those wise and discerning find it strange to see,
A sun hidden beneath the shade of a canopy.

Like a lotus upon water or the sun behind clouds,
A fairy-like face lies veiled within silken shrouds.

The one hidden beneath the veil unveiled her face,
At once revealing her splendor and grace.

The camel moved ahead of me in stride,
For my burden is heavier to abide.

Oh, faithless one of fragile loyalty,
How heartless you are in your cruelty.

If this is the depth of your friendship for me,
Then let our bond reflect the same loyalty.

O camel driver, halt for a moment more,
The promise of reunion still lies in store.

We stayed true, yet betrayal was our reward,
Go, Saadi, for such is their accord.

Did you not know, as old age approaches fast,
It is no time to wrestle with youth at last?

متن غزل

چه روی است آن که پیش کاروان است

مگر شمعی به دست ساروان است


سلیمان است گویی در عماری

که بر باد صبا تختش روان است


جمال ماه پیکر بر بلندی

بدان ماند که ماه آسمان است


بهشتی صورتی در جوف محمل

چو برجی کآفتابش در میان است


خداوندان عقل این طرفه بینند

که خورشیدی به زیر سایبان است


چو نیلوفر در آب و مهر در میغ

پری رخ در نقاب پرنیان است


ز روی کار من برقع برانداخت

به یک بار آن که در برقع نهان است


شتر پیشی گرفت از من به رفتار

که بر من بیش از او بار گران است


زهی اندک وفای سست پیمان

که آن سنگین دل نامهربان است


تو را گر دوستی با ما همین بود

وفای ما و عهد ما همان است


بدار ای ساربان آخر زمانی

که عهد وصل را آخرزمان است


وفا کردیم و با ما غدر کردند

برو سعدی که این پاداش آن است


ندانستی که در پایان پیری

نه وقت پنجه کردن با جوان است