Whatever they say about your beauty is true, Ghazal 110 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 41 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi is a timeless expression of love, beauty, and devotion. Saadi marvels at the beloved's unparalleled physical beauty and enchanting presence, comparing it to nature’s finest creations like the cypress and the rose. He reflects on the deep anguish and restless turmoil of a lover’s heart, where patience is a test of nobility. Saadi critiques those who know nothing of true love but live bound by shame and dishonor.

The poem also touches on themes of spiritual love—suggesting that true sight and understanding are rare gifts. Saadi humbly submits himself to the beloved’s will, revealing the power of love to conquer pride and resistance. Through vivid imagery and emotional intensity, the ghazal celebrates the beloved as a reflection of divine beauty, while the lover’s endurance and longing elevate their connection to a transcendent experience.

English Translation for Ghazal


Whatever they say about your beauty is true,
And in your mischievous eyes, there’s such charm too.

I’ve seen many cypresses in gardens fair,
But none with a form as enchanting and rare.

O you, whose eloquence no nightingale can share,
A parrot may sing, but lacks sweetness to compare.

Neither you, nor the smiling rose so fine,
Know the turmoil of this restless heart of mine.

You said, “Relief will come if you endure with grace.”
Patience is noble for one who can embrace.

Did you ever hear a lover endure and let go?
No love exists in a heart that does not overflow.

There is no knowledge of love, nor will there ever be,
For those who know only shame and disgrace to see.

Not only am I entranced by your thought, my dear,
Lest you say, “I have no fear of solitude here.”

All eyes are fixed upon your radiant face,
But not everyone’s sight earns vision’s true grace.

You claimed, “All is deception, hypocrisy, and play,”
Saadi may not be so, but as you command, I obey.

متن غزل

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