When your dark curls remember us one day, Ghazal 190 by Hafez

When your dark curls remember us one day, Ghazal 190 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 04, 2024

When your dark curls remember us one day, Ghazal 190 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

کِلکِ مشکین تو روزی که ز ما یاد کند

بِبَرَد اجرِ دو صد بنده که آزاد کند


قاصدِ منزلِ سِلمی که سلامت بادش

چه شود گر به سلامی دلِ ما شاد کند؟


امتحان کن که بَسی گنجِ مرادت بدهند

گر خرابی چو مرا، لطفِ تو آباد کند


یا رب اندر دلِ آن خسرو شیرین انداز

که به رحمت گذری بر سرِ فرهاد کند


شاه را بِهْ بُوَد از طاعتِ صدساله و زهد

قدرِ یک ساعته عمری که در او، داد کند


حالیا عشوهٔ نازِ تو ز بنیادم بُرد

تا دگرباره حکیمانه چه بنیاد کند


گوهرِ پاکِ تو از مِدْحَتِ ما مُستَغنیست

فکرِ مَشّاطِه چه با حُسنِ خداداد کند؟


ره نبردیم به مقصودِ خود اندر شیراز

خُرَّم آن روز که حافظ رَهِ بغداد کند



English Translation:

When your dark curls remember us one day,
They will earn the reward of two hundred freed slaves.

May the messenger of the Salm caravan be blessed,
What harm is there if with a greeting he gladdens our heart?

Test it, for they will give you many treasures of your desire,
If your kindness revives someone as ruined as me.

O Lord, place in the heart of that sweet king
The desire to pass mercifully over Farhad.

It is better for a king than a hundred years of worship and asceticism,
To value a single hour of life in which he grants justice.

Now your coquettish airs have taken away my foundation,
What new foundation will the wise one lay?

Your pure gem is independent of our praise,
What does a hairdresser have to do with God-given beauty?

We have not succeeded in our goal in Shiraz,
Happy is the day when Hafez takes the road to Baghdad.

@hamed Sept. 4, 2024, 4:23 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez expresses his longing for a beloved and his hope for divine intervention. He uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his feelings.

@hamed Sept. 4, 2024, 4:23 p.m.

Key Themes:

Love and Devotion: The central theme is the poet's devotion to a beloved.
Divine Intervention: Hafez seeks divine intervention to fulfill his desires.
The Transient Nature of Life: The poet reflects on the impermanence of life and the pursuit of worldly pleasures.

@hamed Sept. 4, 2024, 4:23 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

کِلکِ مشکین: Dark curls, often used to refer to the beloved's hair
سِلمی: A caravan, often used as a symbol of the journey of life
فرهاد: A legendary figure in Persian poetry known for his love for Shirin
بغداد: A major city in the Islamic world, often used as a symbol of knowledge and learning

@hamed Sept. 4, 2024, 4:24 p.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's love poetry. The poet uses rich imagery and symbolism to convey a sense of longing and desire.