Where is this minstrel from, who speaks of my beloved’s name? Ghazal 100 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 35 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi Shirazi expresses his profound love and devotion to his beloved. The poem revolves around themes of complete surrender, loyalty, and spiritual longing. Saadi describes the transformative power of hearing the beloved’s name, the soul’s yearning to dance to the beloved’s words, and the healing that only the beloved’s presence can bring. He highlights his transition from being a ruler of his own destiny to willingly becoming a servant to the beloved’s will. The ghazal beautifully conveys the idea of losing oneself entirely in the beloved’s love and finding purpose even in sacrifice, demonstrating Saadi’s mastery in portraying divine and earthly love intertwined.

English Translation for Ghazal

Where is this minstrel from, who speaks of my beloved’s name?
I would give my life and all I own for the beloved’s message to claim.

The heart revives with the hope of the beloved’s loyalty,
The soul dances to the rhythm of the beloved’s melody.

Whoever falls drunk from the goblet of the beloved’s love,
Will not return to themselves until the trumpet of resurrection is above.

If I were to journey to another land one day,
I would carry nothing but the beloved’s greeting along the way.

The wounds of a love-struck heart heal only by the beloved’s scent,
And if the soul must depart, it leaves only in the beloved’s name, content.

Once, I ruled over my own kingdom with might,
But now, by choice and devotion, I am the beloved’s servant outright.

If the beloved finds comfort in another and forgets me,
I have no other—none can take the beloved’s place, you see.

If I cannot place my foot on the roof of the beloved’s dwelling,
Then let me lay my head beneath its shelter, compelling.

A pauper’s name may never reach a monarch’s ears,
Alas for my poverty compared to the beloved’s grandeur, it appears.

If the beloved’s wish is Saadi’s death, I would not despair,
This is life enough for me—to die fulfilling the beloved’s care.

متن غزل

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