Wherever my friend resides, whether in the wilderness or city, Ghazal 113 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 41 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi reflects on the transformative and all-consuming power of love, especially for a beloved of unparalleled beauty. He marvels at the devotion inspired by a single glimpse of the beloved, questions the futility of yearning for union when true love requires selfless remembrance, and portrays love as a force that raids the heart daily, leaving no room for escape. The poet contrasts the perfection of the beloved with the pain and turmoil of loving them, acknowledging his own surrender to the madness of love. The ghazal beautifully captures the paradox of love: sweet yet bitter, elevating yet painful, and universally inescapable.

English Translation for Ghazal

Wherever my friend resides, whether in the wilderness or city,
That place is delightful—its beauty an eternal pity.

I marvel at one who has seen your face just once,
How could they still seek another sight at all in months?

Abandon hopes of union, let not dreams of your friend grow,
For if you truly remember the beloved, then let that devotion show.

When love's army conquers the realm of the heart,
Guard yourself—for each dawn brings a fresh raid's start.

At the scent of your tresses, I find bliss with the breeze,
Though others reproach me, calling me a wanderer with ease.

How could one ever escape the madness of the insane,
When each curl of your hair holds wisdom's chain?

From your love, wherever I go, hands grasp my head,
Thorns pierce my feet, leaving me battered instead.

A thousand cypresses fall short of your stature,
Though their form may boast of height and nature.

Who told you to grant sweetness to my rival's hand?
Give me poison yourself—for even that, I’d understand.

It’s not only my head that is consumed by love's flame,
For every head you see bears its own passionate claim.

How could your reproach of Saadi ever be right,
When you stand ashore, while he drowns in the sea outright?

متن غزل

مرا از آن‌چه که بیرونِ شهر، صحرایی‌ست

قرینِ دوست به هرجا که هست خوش‌جایی‌ست


کسی که روی تو دیده‌ست از او عجب دارم

که باز در همه عمرش سرِ تماشایی‌ست


امیدِ وصل مدار و خیالِ دوست مبند

گرت به خویشتن از ذکرِ دوست، پروایی‌ست


چو بر ولایتِ دل دست یافت لشکرِ عشق

به دست باش که هر بامداد، یغمایی‌ست


به بوی زلف تو با باد، عیش‌ها دارم

اگرچه عیب کنندم که بادپیمایی‌ست


فَراغِ صحبتِ دیوانگان کجا باشد

تو را که هر خمِ مویی، کمندِ دانایی‌ست؟


ز دستِ عشق تو هرجا که می‌روم دستی

نهاده بر سر و خاری شکسته در پایی‌ست


هزار سرو به معنی به قامتت نرسد

وگرچه سرو، به صورت، بلندبالایی‌ست


تو را که گفت که حلوا دهم به دستِ رقیب؟

به دستِ خویشتنم زهر ده که حلوایی‌ست


نه خاص در سرِ من، عشق در جهان آمد

که هر سری که تو بینی، رهینِ سودایی‌ست


تو را ملامتِ سعدی حلال کی باشد؟

که بر کناری و او در میانِ دریایی‌ست