Whether my heart can endure without you or not, Ghazal 116 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 39 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi meditates on the themes of patience, love, and devotion. He expresses the inescapable nature of love, where reason and logic lose their value. Saadi acknowledges that once entangled in love, there’s no escape or alternative that can rival the beloved. The poem contrasts the insignificance of worldly attachments with the soul's yearning for union with the beloved. Saadi likens himself to a moth, symbolizing complete surrender to love, which removes all fear of loss or death. The ghazal conveys the depth of love's power and the poet’s unwavering hope and devotion despite challenges.

English Translation for Ghazal

Whether my heart can endure without you or not,
Still, patience is the only remedy I've got.

O master, avoid the lane of the heart-stealers,
For there’s no path leading out from its sealers.

The world knows well, in the realm of love,
The counsel of reason is not placed above.

They say, “Turn your gaze to another direction,”
But none is dearer than your perfection.

We wandered through the whole garden's embrace,
No tree bore fruit as sweet as your grace.

What gift can I offer that suits your delight?
My soul—yet it’s unworthy of even your sight.

Do you know who understands love’s decree?
The one who’s unbound from all worldly plea.

Saadi, as long as hope of union remains,
Neither fear of death nor worry pains.

The moth embraced danger in its love for the flame,
Now that it’s burned, it fears not the same.

متن غزل

گر صبر دل از تو هست و گر نیست

هم صبر که چارهٔ دگر نیست


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