Who is that who, out of kindness, will be faithful to me? Ghazal 191 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 39 4

آن کیست کز رویِ کرم، با ما وفاداری کند

بر جایِ بدکاری چو من، یک دَم نکوکاری کند


اول به بانگِ نای و نی، آرد به دل پیغامِ وی

وانگه به یک پیمانه مِی، با من وفاداری کند


دلبر که جان فرسود از او، کامِ دلم نَگْشود از او

نومید نتْوان بود از او، باشد که دلداری کند


گفتم گره نَگْشوده‌ام، زان طُرِّه تا من بوده‌ام

گفتا مَنَش فرموده‌ام، تا با تو طَرّاری کند


پشمینه‌پوشِ تندخو، از عشق نشنیده‌است بو

از مَستیَش رمزی بگو، تا تَرکِ هشیاری کند


چون من گدایِ بی‌نشان، مشکل بُوَد یاری چُنان

سلطان کجا عیشِ نهان، با رندِ بازاری کند؟


زان طُرِّهٔ پُرپیچ و خَم، سهل است اگر بینم ستم

از بند و زنجیرش چه غم، هر کس که عیّاری کند؟


شد لشکرِ غم بی عدد، از بخت می‌خواهم مدد

تا فخرِ دین عَبدُالصَّمَد، باشد که غمخواری کند


با چشمِ پُرنیرنگِ او، حافظ مکن آهنگِ او

کان طُرِّهٔ شبرنگِ او، بسیار طَرّاری کند



English Translation:

Who is that who, out of kindness, will be faithful to me?
And for a moment do good deeds instead of bad ones, like me?

First, with the sound of the flute, bring his message to my heart,
And then, with a cup of wine, be faithful to me.

The beloved from whom my soul has withered, has not opened the door to my desire,
I cannot be hopeless of him; perhaps he will comfort me.

I said, "My knot has not been untied, since that curl and I have been together,"
He said, "I have commanded her to play games with you."

The rough-clad, quick-tempered one has not heard the scent of love,
Tell him a secret of intoxication, so that he abandons sobriety.

For a beggar like me, without a sign, such companionship is difficult,
Where will a king have a secret pleasure with a market rogue?

From that tangled curl, it is easy to see oppression,
What does anyone care about its chains and shackles if they are cunning?

The army of sorrows has become countless, I seek help from fate,
So that the proud servant of the Eternal may have compassion.

Hafez, with his deceitful eyes, don't tune your heart to his tune,
For that jet-black curl of his will play many games.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@hamed Sept. 5, 2024, 12:16 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, longing, and the complexities of human relationships. He uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his feelings.

@hamed Sept. 5, 2024, 12:16 p.m.

Key Themes:

Love and Longing: The central theme is the poet's longing for a beloved.
Deception and Betrayal: Hafez explores the themes of deception and betrayal in love.
Divine Intervention: The poet seeks divine intervention to alleviate his suffering.

@hamed Sept. 5, 2024, 12:16 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

طُرِّه: Curl of hair, often used as a symbol of the beloved
نای: Flute, often associated with spiritual longing
عیّاری: Cunning, cleverness

@hamed Sept. 5, 2024, 12:17 p.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's love poetry. The poet uses rich imagery and symbolism to convey a sense of longing and desire.