Who is there whose heart does not dream of a bond with you? Ghazal 115 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 49 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi delves into the intense and all-encompassing nature of love and devotion. The poet emphasizes the exclusivity of beholding the beloved, suggesting that such a privilege is reserved for the pure-hearted. Saadi contrasts the ordinary perception of beauty with his own profound, unique connection to the beloved, which transcends the visible. He speaks of an eternal union with the beloved, defying the passing of time. The ghazal highlights the helplessness of the lovesick and the unmatched significance of the beloved’s attention, ending with Saadi’s declaration of unwavering devotion, disregarding the opinions of others.

English Translation for Ghazal

Who is there whose heart does not dream of a bond with you?
Or who, seeing you, is not enraptured by your view?

It is not lawful for just anyone to behold your face,
For it is forbidden to those whose gaze is not pure, whose heart lacks grace.

Not everyone feels this joy that I alone do,
For what I perceive in you is hidden from the eyes of others too.

Every night has its dawn, and every day must wane,
But the night of union with my beloved knows no end to its reign.

Whoever dallies with the glances of beauty’s charm,
Is weak of heart if they endure cruelty without alarm.

Whoever sees your henna-stained hand will exclaim,
"If one dies by this hand, it is no wonder, nor a shame."

Look at me, though I am but a single strand of hair,
Yet not a single fiber of my being forgets you or fails to care.

All know that the lovesick heart is cured by patience alone,
But what is one to do when patience cannot be shown?

I wished to share my heart’s sorrow with you for a while,
But how can I speak when my heart is not present to compile?

If I fall from the favor of all people, it’s no great loss,
But do not think, even for a moment, that I lack your support or am at a cross.

Saadi’s attention turns from the world, focused on you alone,
His devotion unwavering, his heart fully your own.

متن غزل

کیست آن کَش سر پیوند تو در خاطر نیست

یا نظر با تو ندارد مگرش ناظر نیست


نه حلال‌ست که دیدار تو بیند هر کس

که حرام‌ست بر آن کَش نظری طاهر نیست


همه کَس را مگر این ذوق نباشد که مرا

کآن چه من می‌نگرم بر دگری ظاهر نیست


هر شبی روزی و هر روز زوالی دارد

شب وصل من و معشوق مرا آخر نیست


هر که با غمزهٔ خوبان سر و کاری دارد

سست مهرست که بر داغ جفا صابر نیست


هر که سرپنجه مخضوب تو بیند گوید

گر بر این دست کسی کشته شود نادر نیست


سر موییم نظر کن که من اندر تن خویش

یک سر موی ندانم که تو را ذاکر نیست


همه دانند که سودازده دل‌شده را

چاره صبرست ولیکن چه کند قادر نیست


گفته بودم غم دل با تو بگویم چندی

به زبان چند بگویم که دلم حاضر نیست


گر من از چشم همه خلق بیفتم سهل‌ست

تو مپندار که مخذول تو را ناصر نیست


التفات از همه عالم به تو دارد سعدی

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