Whoever is ensnared by love's lasso, Ghazal 30 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 50 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi explores the transformative power of love, presenting it as a force that demands total surrender and reshapes the soul. He reflects on how true humanity is achieved through the trials of love, drawing a parallel to the process of refining silver. Saadi suggests that the path of love often leads to the loss of worldly attachments but yields spiritual fulfillment. Despite the hardships, he expresses gratitude for love’s ability to burn away the superficial and elevate the soul. The poem concludes with a celebration of Saadi’s eloquence, acknowledging the enduring impact of his words on those who seek wisdom and beauty.

English Translation for Ghazal

Whoever is ensnared by love's lasso
Must comply with its every desire.

One who has never been a lover
Has never truly become a person.
Silver is not perfected until it melts.

No reformer has walked the path of love
Without losing both this world and the next.

So absorbed am I in the remembrance of love
That I cannot even care for myself.

Still, I give thanks for the fire of love,
For though it burned my heart, it nurtured my soul.

Saadi, nothing is sweeter than your words,
A treasure for those who seek understanding.

Blessed be your sweet tongue,
That has stirred such passion in the world.

متن غزل

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